Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Busy, busy, busy...

Here it is, Sunday afternoon.  We stayed home from church again today.  Lila is sick (I think she's been sick for the past month! just can't seem to shake this cold), Jake has a man-cold, and I'm 9 months pregnant and generally miserable.  Lila keeps blowing snot bubbles, real cute.  Lila woke up at 6:30, still tired, but angry because of her snotty nose, so I was able to rock with her for an hour before we just got up for good.  And when I say we got up, Jake and I laid on the couch half-awake while Lila ate some breakfast, watched cartoons, and played with some toys.  At around 10:00, as I'd predicted, she fell back asleep for a nap.  We all did, and woke up at noon.  It was a good nap, and we're all feeling a little better, I think.

But back to Friday.  After my NST, I picked Lila up and against my better judgment took a trip to Meijer.  All I needed to do was get a gallon of milk, an envelope to ship Melissa's girls' presents in, and mail out the presents.  But of course I dawdled around and got some Christmas decorations, and let Lila wander around, but by the end of our hour there I was completely exhausted.  I don't know why I do that to myself.  Lila always gets whiny and needy and wants to be carried around.  And I had forgotten my wallet in the car, so I had to carry her in the slushy snow outside to get it and then come back in, etc, etc, etc.

---- It's now Tuesday.

Anyway.  I was hoping Lila would take a long nap, but she didn't (just normal) and just as I laid down and started falling asleep, she woke up.  I was really looking forward to our date night, and was happy to have at least a little break from being a mom.  We dropped Lila off at the Thompson's and headed to Food Dance for Maestro's Christmas party.  (Lila had a pretty rough time at the Thompson's... cried for 45 minutes, then fell asleep on the couch watching Bambi, but woke up when Alicia tried to carry her to Brig's bed.)  The Christmas party was really nice.  There were probably twice as many people there this year than last year, because they've hired a lot of people since then!  It was my first time to Food Dance, and it was pretty good.  They had a big table of different appetizers that we could fill up on, and they were yummy.  I had to avoid the spicy ones though.  And the dessert was insane: flourless chocolate cake and carrot cake.  YUM.  So we had fun visiting with the DeYoungs and the Hoogenbooms.  Talked a bit with Ben and Hilary, who went in at 6am this morning (it's now Tuesday) for their c-section.  I sat down by Hilary and she asked, "Isn't it exhausting just sitting here?!"  And I said, "YES!"  I was so exhausted, just sitting there and eating and talking.  Very tired, and after a while, very uncomfortable.  But, still enjoyed my night out.  Jake had fun visiting with co-workers.  The best part was, of course, the presents.  Jen wrapped all of the presents in the same box, to make it look like we were all getting the same thing, which is standard at most companies.  But, she and Annette had picked out personalized, thoughtful presents for each person!  Very, very cool.  For example, Zach DeYoung got an Apple TV and Steve Jobs' biography.  They gave Jake the book "Green Smoothie Revolution" (which we'll return... because we've already read it and Jake makes up all his recipes...) and a $100 gift card to put towards a VitaMix blender... (but Jake thankfully decided he doesn't want one after all--they're $400+) so we'll just use that money to buy diapers.  Jake found out before the party that they were getting everyone different gifts, and he thought to himself, "What could they possibly get me that I would like?  The only thing I can think of is money!"  And he got money. :)  So that's awesome.  And, we're getting a big Christmas bonus this year, which is also awesome... especially with the baby coming and all.  Jake works for a really great company.  Jen is awesome.  Maestro received notice a month or two ago that they will need to be out of the MTEC center by February 1st, because KVCC doesn't want to rent out business space anymore, so they've been busy looking for a new office space.  The place they really want is actually right above Food Dance downtown, and it looks like they will be getting approval soon for it.  It'll make Jake's commute 20-30 minutes long instead of 10, which kind of stinks, but I guess it's a really awesome space, so that's cool.  And when we visit him for lunch (if I'm ever able to make it there with 2 kids), we can eat at Food Dance.

Saturday was super, super lame.  At least the first half of it.  Jake woke up early to help Frank Whitaker insulate his attic and didn't get back till 3 or 4 (Lila and I fell asleep after 2 and didn't wake up till 4).  Lila was sick, tired, and cranky and so was I.  At one point I couldn't even sit up straight or keep my eyes open, and Lila was freaking out.  It was awesome.  I cried a lot that morning and was mad at Jake for being out helping someone else instead of his poor, pregnant wife.  He took me and Lila out to dinner at Panera, and I felt better after getting some food in my belly.  I am so hungry lately but hate fixing myself food, and so I don't think I'm eating enough.  We also went to Sam's Club.

Like I said above, we didn't go to church on Sunday, but slept the morning away.  Jake woke up with a cold, and still has it now.  We've been just trying to get through these past few days.  Life is so busy.  Jake had to be at a 6:30 meeting yesterday morning.  We went to Wal-Mart after that to buy Christmas presents for a family that Maestro "adopted" for Christmas.  We also ate a Subway there, and it was amazing.  I told Jake that this week I just can't handle making dinner.  I found out that my mom might be able to come down before the baby's born and stay that week!!  I really hope it works out.  Aunt Gina is planning on driving up this weekend, so Mom could ride back down with her and Emily could bring her back up north.  I would LOVE IT if my mom could be here.  Sometimes a girl just really needs her mom.  My place is a mess, I don't feel like doing anything.  I just need my mom to help.  And Lori will be here too, which is great.   Jake is working till 9 tonight, but was able to sleep in till 8.  I was up from 3:30am-6:30am this morning, just couldn't sleep.  But thankfully Lila slept in and I didn't wake up till 9, bless that girl.  She's still sick.  Fun times.

Yesterday was busy.  We had a primary meeting at 9:30 and an NST at 3.  Both things went well, and it made the day pass by quickly, which is nice.  I'm really excited to be done being pregnant and to have my baby boy.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Rudi, I can't wait until Jared arrives...you really need him to come! I totally get the not wanting to make anything to eat. That's how I felt the first half of this pregnancy...craving anything I didn't make myself. :) Go for it!

    Funny about the Christmas gifts. :) I asked Tyler what he would want if his company gave him a present, and he said, "A trip to Vegas, tickets to a play, or a doughnut." His hospital gives him a $25 gift card to Target.
