Thursday, December 29, 2011

A week old

Jared is a week old today! He and I are sitting in the car at menards. Jake took Lila in to buy wood. Jake and his dad have been putting up some sheet rock in one of the storage rooms downstairs. Seems like they always need to be working on a project. I was getting really annoyed by it a few nights ago. He literally didnt see Jared all day because he was busy working in the basement. So he was wise and took a break.

Jake's parents left yesterday for nauvoo. Mike and Cassandra got married today! No backing out now, though mike still has some concerns. Mostly he just needs to relax. I'm looking forward to the reception tomorrow.

I'm feeling really good (relatively, of course). It is sooo nice to not be pregnant!! The whitakers stopped by to meet Jared today and when I saw Kate (who is due in 6 weeks) I could only think how grateful I was that I had the baby already. On Tuesday I had a quick midwife appointment, mostly I think to see if I have postpartum depression (I don't). I dont even think I'll have the baby blues this time around (I did with Lila). I was pretty surprised and disappointed to find that I still weighed 138 pounds! I would've thought that I'd have lost more weight. Oh well. Jake reassures me that it'll come off. Hope so!

Yesterday after dinner we went to the mall. We actually also went for a walk outside while it was sunny out. I was pretty tired and sore after both excursions, but not too bad. It was really nice to get out. We ran into Desiree at the mall, funny enough. We picked up my anniversary ring which I got repaired and also the most adorable little button up shirt for Jared to wear to the reception at The Gap. I think I'm more excited about dressing him than I was to dress lila. That little boy has me completely smitten.

After shopping we sat in the food court. I got my beloved chocolate shake from mcdonalds, Jake got a parfait, and Lila got chicken nuggets.

Jared is waking up around every 2 hours at night usually. Lila was up twice last night too but as soon as I gave her ibuprofen she slept soundly. She has been very cranky and whiny, the way she gets when she's teething. Doesn't want to eat, etc. But it's not too bad. Just annoying.

1 comment:

  1. You're right that the lessons Lila's learning by having a sibling are important. Good for you. I had major guilt about not being able to spend every minute with Katie when we brought Jane home.

    I'm glad you're feeling good and getting out already. That's really good!

    And I only gained 25-ish (so far) because I started at a lot bigger number than you do. :) I think the weight does come off more slowly (or at least your shape comes back more slowly) the second time. But you'll get there! Give yourself 9 months, because that's how long it took to put it on!
