Tuesday, December 27, 2011

In love.

I am way in love over here.  Jake and I both are.  Jared is just way too sweet!  I just feel like I could have a dozen more babies if they're as sweet as this guy is.  I always wondered how I would feel about a baby boy, if I would love him as much as I'd love a baby girl.  And yup, I do.  So in love.

Our Christmas Day didn't feel like Christmas Day.  We woke up early to have Jared's baby blessing at 8am that morning.  Bishop came over to preside.  We wanted Jake's brothers and dad to be there, and it was the "best" time to do it.  So we got dressed up in nice clothes (I was engorged and uncomfortable) and had the blessing.  Jake got emotional, of course, and he always feels a little frustrated with himself when he does.  He asks me, "Why do I have to get like that?"  Uh, because he's your son and he's wonderful and you love him. :)  It was a beautiful blessing and so special to me to see my husband bless his son.  What I remember... that Jared will be blessed with a spirit of honesty, kindness, and love and be a good example to his siblings and cousins.  He was also advised to prepare to receive the priesthood :) and with health that he may carry out the duties he was sent here to do. 

I just love that we have a son.  I love that he will be his father's son.  I love that Jake will get to pass on his awesomeness to another man.  I love Jake so much, I think he's a really good man... and I'm just so grateful that we can have children together and raise them together.

We had a green Christmas this year.  No snow!  It was in the 40s!  I think it was my 2nd green Christmas ever.  I always imagined bringing home Jared in the snow and cold, but he brought the warm weather with him.  It's actually snowing and gray today.  The rest of the family went to church at 10:00.  I was feeling pretty good after I'd gotten dressed and considered going to... but eventually changed my mind as I got more and more tired.  Jake's dad gave me great advice: "If you can't decide what to do, it probably means that you shouldn't."

Mike and Cassandra spent that day with her family, and Jim/Angela were at our place till 2 or 3.  We had turkey for a late lunch/early dinner.  Jim and Angela have been trying to get pregnant for some time now, and haven't been able to.  Angela has poly-cystic ovaries... and I don't think they have health insurance, or at least not good health insurance, so haven't been able to or haven't wanted to seek more medical attention.  Jim did some research about progesterone cream, so she's been using that, but they forgot it in Holland and Jim wanted to go back to get it before they left for Detroit... but ended up not.  Anyway, it was a little bit of drama. 

That was the last big "event"... Christmas day.  We've just been trying to relax and enjoy our family.  Except for Jake and his dad, who are of course keeping busy with project after project.  Right now they're working on something with the furnace and also putting up some sheet rock in the basement storage room.  They love keeping busy.  But it's been ok.  They've taken several trips to Menards and always take Lila with, and she'll usually fall asleep in the car and nap for a while out in the garage.  And he lets her "help" them.  Yesterday she was down there and Jake was busy working on something, and she holds something up and asks, "What's this?"  Jake didn't look and guessed that it was a flashlight.  So he said, "It's a flashlight."  She walks up to him, holds up a screw, and said, "It's a flashlight."  lol. 

We all watched The Little Mermaid together, and Lila lasted the whole movie, though she did play around the basement, but it allowed Jake and I to rest.  I've been getting a decent amount of sleep, I guess.  Last night I got a few 2-3 hours stretches, and I got to lay down for a while last night and this morning.  This morning Jake took Lila out to Menards and Jared and I got an hour of peaceful quiet time together watching the snow fall.  He was awake the whole time, and I just loved having that time to pay attention to just him.  I haven't been spending a whole lot of time with Lila this week actually, she's been busy with other people, so I try to give her special attention too.  She's been sleeping well at night and taking good naps, so that's good too.

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