Friday, August 19, 2011

This Week

Things are going well.  I think the baby is sucking away a lot of my brain power.  I haven't felt quite like myself all week.  Like I'm only half there.  But, it's okay and I'm overall happy and more rested.  Actually, a few nights ago I was sure that I was going to die because I was so tired, but I've been going to bed earlier the past few nights, so that's helped.  Lila has been sleeping MUCH better this week, which I am so grateful for.  We pray for a good night's sleep every night. :)  Last night she woke up for an hour from like 5-6 and that was lame, but she just took a giant, nasty, awful dump so maybe her tummy was hurting.

We went for a walk on Wednesday morning with my Aunt Gina.  She goes for a long walk every morning.  We walked for something like 4 miles, which is a long walk for both Lila and I.  The walk felt nice for me, but Lila was pretty restless by the walk home.  It was a nice visit with Aunt Gina too.  I should've taken advantage of having her in the same town as me more often this summer.  Next summer I should definitely pay her more visits.  Especially because I'll have two little ones.  (She works for Kalamazoo Public Schools so has summers off.)  I like my Aunt Gina.

Got to meet Jake very briefly for lunch on Wednesday.  I called him on my way home from Aunt Gina's and he had just hopped in his car to get some Taco Bell.  He didn't have time to eat with us because he needed to go back for a meeting, but we waited in the slow drive through line with him. lol.  He's a busy man at work.  It was perfect timing.  Yesterday he came home for lunch for the first time in a while.  Also nice.

Lila's been a good eater.  She likes juice boxes now.  She eats all three meals and snacks a lot during the day.  She's still an average eater, for a toddler.  Picky and all.  But she has a decent variety of foods that she'll eat, so that's good.  She was discharged from OT yesterday!  Doesn't have to go anymore!  Awesome.  Didn't know it would happen this quickly, but I'm grateful.  Especially since we have a new baby coming along.  I do feel like I spend all day feeding her meals and cleaning up after them, but it's a happy thing.

She still loves Blue's Clues and watches a few episodes a day.  She also is obsessed with butterlies ("fuh-fies!") and becomes SO excited about them.  She'll say, "I wan' fuh-fies!" which means she wants to watch videos of them on Youtube.

I spent 2 hours at Meijer yesterday.  Lila did great in the cart the whole time.  I bought lots of groceries, and also school supplies (new crayons and things for Lila, now that she loves to "cowor") and also two nightstands for our bedroom.  I've spent all week looking at different ideas for our house... furniture, paint colors, decorating... and I've been itching to just get something done.  I've been kind of limited because Lila's taking late naps, making it hard for me to go out before it's dinnertime.  So I bit the bullet, lifted the heavy things onto my cart, lifted them into my car, I'm a beast.  And last night before bed, Jake set them up for me.  Our bedroom is driving me crazy because it still feels like an apartment bedroom... mismatched furniture, barely decorated.  I really want it to feel like a peaceful, relaxing, happy place.

Emily's last day of work at Panera was yesterday.  So I get her for 2 weeks before she starts school!  And having my parents here for a week will help me get a lot done too.  I have a list of projects she and I can do together to stay busy and productive.

I've been in the scriptures a lot this week.  It's good for me.  I have felt a strong pull toward the gospel and the scriptures lately.  With all the (normal) struggles I've been having with Lila and parenting lately, I just feel more than ever that I can't possibly do this all on my own.  I have a Heavenly Father who loves me and wants me to succeed and raise my children well.  He's given me so many resources to learn wisdom and principles that will help me be a better mother.

1 comment:

  1. Awww..sometimes I like to escape into others' lives, and yours is especially nice. It's a never-ending sleep-adjustment and kid-feeding schedule, being a mom. I get so tired of figuring out what they'll eat, and what they'll eat that will make them full enough to last for awhile. :) Especially in their growth spurts (or Jane's whole life), when they eat non-stop. I'm glad Lila's not eating earlier has given you a different perspective on it! I love that Lila's definition of butterflies is YouTube. :) Katie & I used to watch a lot of YouTube together.
