Monday, August 15, 2011

A Green Smoothie Weekend

What a weekend. 

Friday was a pretty good day.  In the afternoon we went to Target to get gifts for Caty's bridal shower.  Stopped at a garage sale on the way home.  I found a cute shirt for my mom, never-been-worn, for 50 cents, a little green vase, and toy cart for Lila.  I was pushing her in it on our way back to the car (I had my hands full and it was a long walk), and hit a bump and she fell out onto her face.  Ouch.  I felt bad.

Bedtime on Friday night was a struggle.  It has been lately.  I really don't know what's going on with Lila.  I suspect those teeth are still working their way through, and she's learning and growing so much.  She's starting to speak in sentences (like, 4-5 word sentences sometimes) which BLOWS MY MIND... so I can only imagine the changes that are happening in her brain right now.  She went from saying just words to saying 4-5 sentences in a day.  It's crazy.  So, I was frustrated on Friday night, I think, but she eventually fell asleep.  Oh yeah.  That's the night Jake took over for a while because I was losing my mind.  But, she did fall asleep. 

Thursday night was bad too because she woke up just as I was going to bed screaming in pain.  Screaming and crying and pointing at her mouth.  So, for the first time in a while, I cradled her in my arms (no small feat, she's a BIG girl) and walked her up and down the hallway, whispering things to her to calm her down.  And she eventually was soothed and just looked up at me with those sweet blue eyes and almost fell asleep.  I couldn't walk around very long like that, but it was really sweet.  Reminded me so much of her being a baby.  I can't believe how much she's grown and how fast.  But she's still my little baby.  (Jake didn't get home from his meeting till like 1am on Thursday night.  Crazy.)

After Lila went to bed on Friday, at almost 11:00.  We were tired, but stayed up talking for a while and were about to go to bed when Mike came over.  Cassandra came home this weekend and it was their first time seeing each other in 2 weeks.  He was bummed because Cassandra was pretty distracted and "neglected" him. :)  He's like a girl.  She brought her former roomie Michelle home with her, and after they arrived, all three went to the county fair to help out.  Cassandra's family has been helping out with the fair for years (her dad is on the board or something), so it's a big part of her family.  Cassandra's family is still either basically ignoring Mike or treating him poorly, so he was pretty down about it.  We talked for a long time about everything.  Jake and I didn't get to bed till 1:30.  Yikes.  I had really wanted to get to bed early that night.  Oh well.  Mike has the ring (it is so pretty!) but still doesn't know when to propose, because things with her have been so awkward and strained lately.  A lot of that is probably because it's a long-distance relationship.  The one thing he established Friday night is that the next day he needed to talk to Cassandra and ask her to stand up for him more when her family are jerks to him, and for her to tell her parents that she really loves Mike and want them and their family to "be nice" to him.  She hasn't told her parents that she really loves him.  She has a pretty weird relationship with them. 

Anyway.  Saturday morning, Lila was up around 7, which was wayyy earlier than I wanted to get up.  But get up we did.  And we had banana pancakes for breakfast.  Mike had slept over so he joined us.  After that, Jake, Lila and I went to the Farmer's Market at Texas Corner's.  It was our first time to any Farmer's Market this year, and our first time to this particular one.  It's nice because it's so close.  Jake wanted to start doing green smoothies that day, so we bought a lot of greens and fruits.  We also bought some pulled pork sandwiches for lunch, and to our surprise, Lila loved it and ate a lot of it. 

After that, we came home and played with Brody and Toby for a bit before putting her down for a nap.  Jake made us green smoothies while he was sleeping (he loves this idea and practice--I think they're okay but have a hard time drinking them).  Then, just as Lila was waking up, I left for Caty Perkins' bridal shower.

It was sooo nice to have some me/girl time.  The shower was in Marshall, a 45 minute drive.  The weather on the way there and back was crazy.  Heavy rains, making it difficult to see the roads.  But I made it safely and listened to the Mormon Channel on Jake's phone.  I listened to an interview of Sister Beck about the Priesthood.  Loved it.  Felt inspired afterwards to ask Jake for a priesthood blessing.

The shower was really nice.  It was my first time seeing Caty in 2 years!  The last time we saw her and Sam was at his mission farewell party.  It was so wonderful to see her again and to see how happy she was.  Sam wasn't there, but she was just glowing.  She was texting him (I asked her if it was really awesome that she could just text him now) and she kept saying things like, "He's amazing.  He's the best.  He's awesome.  He's Sam times 100!"  She told us about how they decided to get married so soon after he got home.  His grandfather told both of them separately that he thought they should get married this August, and they both talked to their priesthood leaders and prayed about it and decided to move forward with that plan.  She said it was really stressful for her, because she hadn't planned on or imagined getting married so quickly after he got home... and it was also stressful and difficult to plan their wedding by herself and not even be "officially" engaged.  I think she's awesome.  While in Rexburg, she found an apartment for them, found and bought all the furniture they needed from Craigslist and moved it into a storage unit so that when they go back to school, all they'll need to do is move the furniture into their apartment.  What an adventure.

It was just really exciting to talk with her and to remember all that newlywed fun stuff.  I'm so happy for her and Sam and know that they'll have a very happy marriage.  Kari was the only other Kalamazoo person there, and the only other person I knew there, so we sat together and visited.  The shower was at Caty's uncle's, and it was beautiful.  Like out of a magazine.  She opened presents outside, they had a walkout basement with a covered patio and a ceiling fan.  Very relaxing.  And it was nice to have a break from Lila :)

Jake and Lila stayed busy and happy while I was gone.  She ate an entire can of ravioli for lunch! and then Jake took her grocery shopping and to Menard's.  I'm glad they got some one-on-one time.  It's good for both of them.  Got home, had dinner, took Lila for a walk in her wagon, and got her to bed by 9:00 I think.

We watched the first part of Million Dollar Baby, the Netflix movie we've had for a month now.  It was nice having time together.

Sunday was crazy.  I was exhausted and hungry all through church.  Lila did well in sacrament meeting though.  Jake only had to take her out at the very end because she bonked her head on the pew and started wailing.  Primary was chaos.  Jr. Primary was crazy and loud and I had a lot of running around to do, and I was so hungry.  Snacking is more difficult because we can't bring any peanut products or tree nut products to the stake building.  In retrospect, I definitely should have brought some fruit to snack on.  Next week.

On the way home, I was on the verge of tears because I was so hungry and tired.  And Jake wanted to drive the 30+ minutes to pick up Andre so he could hang out with us.  Jake hasn't seen Andre all summer.  But Andre had to cancel, so we got home just as Lila was falling asleep.  She got a good nap.  Jake and I grilled some hamburgers and got to take a little nap.  Played outside in the driveway for a while and then took Lila for a walk in her wagon.  Stopped by Frank and Kate's.  While we were there, Mandy Ryan (another of Jake's former co-workers) and her family arrived, so we visited with them for a while.  I really like having Frank and Kate in the neighborhood.

From there, we went to the Derek and Alicia Thompson's house to have dinner with them and the missionaries.  It was yummy-- biscuits and gravy, eggs, potatoes, etc.  Lila barely ate, but she did have fun playing with Brig.  Jumping on the couch, blowing bubbles.  She sure didn't like it when Jake or I was holding the baby.  It was a nice visit though. 

Came home, put Lila to bed.  But we made sure to have her fill her tummy so that she didn't wake up hungry like she did the night before (over and over). 

Jake gave me a blessing, which I'll write a separate post about.  And we went to bed shortly after that.

Last night Lila woke up every hour from until around 1am.  It was driving me crazy.  We gave her some medicine and that must've worked, because then she slept very well and I was able to get some sleep.  I wish those darn teeth would finally come in!

We've had a good morning.  Got to have smoothies with Jake before he left.  Played outside, had lunch together.  Emily's over and Lila's sleeping.  I've had time to read the scriptures and study a lot.  Feeling grateful and happy.

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