Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tender Mercies

Thankfully, the Lord was merciful and gave me a semi-decent night of rest after a looong Monday.  Lila was pretty cranky and didn't feel good yesterday.  Lots of crying, pooping, diaper rash, wanting to nurse.  I don't usually nurse her very much during the day, but yesterday she kept asking for it, so I did.  And boy, does it help her feel better.

She took a nap in the morning.  I talked to Mike for a while, he filled me in on the latest.  He did talk to Kirk, but Kirk wants to talk to Cassandra about everything this next weekend when she's home before he gives Mike an "answer."  Emily came over while she was sleeping.  We fed her a quick lunch and then met my friend Rebecca Makas for lunch at the Crow's Nest.  Lila did okay for the first 15-20 minutes, but then got really cranky, so after a while I asked Emily to take her for a walk outside so I could actually eat my food. :)  Rebecca's doing well and Em and I both think she's funny/quirky.  She enjoys hearing about my life as a wife and mom.  She's job hunting in the Dearborn/Detroit area.

We took Lila for a little walk on Westnedge and ended up at a little park across from Gryphon Place.  We sat and talked for a while, and Lila was happy for like 5 minutes, but then got cranky and pooped, so we changed her there and then left for home.  She cried most of the way home and almost fell asleep, but didn't.

Jake didn't get home till 6:45-ish.  Luckily, Brody and Toby were outside to entertain and play with Lila.  Lila loves them.  Throughout the day, when they're at daycare, she'll ask me, "Tubby? (Toby?)  Bwody?"  And I'll make a reluctant face and tell her that they're not home, they're at school.  So then a few minutes later she'll look at me with her version of a reluctant face (nose scrunched up, squinting eyes) and tell me "Tubby. School."  Same with wanting daddy and him being at work.  Funny girl.

So they played outside together for a while.  I pulled all three kids in the wagon for a little while, which was funny, and heavy.  And they played in the backyard.

We grilled chicken for dinner once Jake got home.  And then it was bathtime, scriptures, prayer, brush teeth, etc.  The nightly routine.  Jake and I were both pretty beat, but me especially.  Just tired.  Got Lila to bed at a decent time, talked on the phone with Mike some more, and at 9:30 I was going to head to bed.  Jake asked if we could spend just 10 minutes relaxing together, and I said of course.  And he took me in his arms on the couch and just held me.  It was amazing.  He said all the right things...about how he appreciates all the hard work I do, how he thinks I'm a great mom and wife, how he thinks I'm pretty, etc.  It was just wonderful and exactly what I needed.  What a good, good man to be married to.  He called it "EFR" - Especially For Rudi.  We instituted that back in the day when I was still pretty needy.

Lila slept great last night, which is awesome.  But I still had trouble sleeping... waking up to use the bathroom, having weird dreams and not being able to fall back asleep.  The usual.  But, today's another day and I feel so blessed.

1 comment:

  1. I love EFR...that's great! Do you grill frozen chicken or fresh?
