Monday, August 8, 2011

Lila Update - 16.5 months

Lila's doing great lately.  She had 2 very bad weeks in a row--teething, diarrhea, fevers, didn't sleep well--but last week she was pretty much back to normal.  She had an off day yesterday.  For some reason, she didn't take a nap.  I tried to get her to, but she just didn't fall asleep, so it was a very long day.  She fell asleep for a while at her normal bedtime, but woke up and didn't go back to sleep again until midnight, and there was lots of screaming and crying and tears in between.  It was crazy.

But, today was awesome.  Her eating has improved A LOT these past few weeks.  Her love of popsicles has turned her onto liking watermelon and canteloupe, similar textures and tastes.  Which is awesome.  Kristen (OT) said it would be great if Lila would eat two veggies and two fruits.  I don't know if potatoes count as veggies, but she eats those and beans (black beans, baked beans) and now two fruits.  I guess she was chugging chocolate milk at our neighbor's house the other day... I'll have to try that.  And now she likes licorice, fruit snacks, Craisins, Quaker Oats granola bars, Nutella, Gatorade.  It's awesome.  Now it feels like most of my day is spent preparing her food, feeding her, and cleaning up.  But it's fun and I'm happy that she's doing so well.  At her last OT appointment, last Thursday, Kristen was so impressed with how she's doing.  Lila only needs to go in every other week now.

New words she can say (or tries to say): Jesus (Cheesy), Church, Mike, Emmy/Nemmy, popsicle (pock-ah-tee), shirt, shorts, Book of Mormon, plane, Blue's Clues (Coo Coos), banana, color (cowor -- she asks me to color when she's bored now), nose (no), button.  I wrote "ABC" on a piece of paper today when we were coloring and told her what it was, and from time to time she would point at it and say "ABC!"  She is AMAZING and incredibly smart.  She loves coloring and writing with pens, just like I did when I was little.

Uh-oh is one of her favorite things to say.  She says it whenever she drops something, or anyone drops something, or when I ask her where something is and she doesn't know, she says "uh-oh."

Knows a lot of body parts now: nose, mouth, teeth, cheeks, eyes, ears, fingers, toes, belly, belly-button.

It's fun going for walks and being outside with her because she likes to point at things and name them as we go.  She loves hearing planes and trains go by.  She'll stop dead in her tracks, make a surprised face, point, and then say either "toot toot" and "tee" for train and will try to say "plane."  She says "fah" for flowers, bumble bee (bum-bee-bee, so cute), butterfly (buy-fy), bike (even when she sees motorcycles).  She thinks horses are cows so she says moo when she sees them.  She still loves seeing doggies and says "foof foof" for woof woof.  She loves birdies too and says "teet teet" and "birdy."

She still loves Brody and Toby.  We play in the driveway with them almost every night.  They mostly like to play with our tricycles and lawn mowers and tools--they love asking Jake questions about those things--but Lila's just thrilled to have them over.  Terie is great, too and loves Lila.  They are awesome neighbors!

Lila's getting taller and losing some of her baby fat.  Lots of our friends have been commenting on that.  Sigh.  I cannot believe how big she's getting.  She's such a blondie, too.  It just makes me smile sometimes to watch her walking and running around, that little fuzzy, curly blond head of hers.  She has quite the tan for a blonde too.

She's starting to speak in two word sentences, I think.  Not very clearly, but when she wants milk (to nurse, usually when she's hungry--so then I know I need to feed her a snack or meal--or before nap/bed) she always says "mah milk."  And when she wants to go for a walk, she says "mah walk."  Today it sounded like she said something like "Walk go church."  Or sometimes she'll say "go walk."

She loves saying "Hi" and she'll always say it so cheerfully to people.

She did great at church on Sunday!  Now that she loves certain snacks--she also loves Yogurt Bites--she's easier to distract with those, and we had books and a pen and paper, we made it through the entire sacrament meeting without having to take her out!  ...Except for when she pooped at the very end, before the closing song, and I had to take her out to change her.  She's so cute in Primary.  She'll climb into the little chairs and sit with the kids so happily, and she'll yell out, "MA!  Mama!" until I look at her and wave.  So funny.

She likes to Skype with my parents still, and knows when I have Skype open, even when I'm not chatting with anyone.  She'll say "Papa" because she knows that we Skype with Papa and Granny.  She doesn't say Granny yet, but likes to see Bella the dog.  My mom sings "Bella Rose Ollero, Nanananana."  to the tune of Ring Around the Rosy, and so anytime she wants to see Bella, she says "Bella" or "nanana" and sings the song.  It's so cute.

She loves Auntie Emmy.  A few weeks ago, Emily didn't work a lot so she was over here most days.  She'd be here when Lila would wake up from her naps, so now lately when Lila wakes up from a nap, she sits up and says, "Nemmy?"

In short, Lila is amazing.  She is doing so well.  She is so smart.  I know most parents think that about their kids, but I think Lila is smarter than average. ;)  It amazes me how much she can say and understand, and that she can request things from me now.  When she wants a popsicle, she says popsicle.  When she wants to go for a walk, she'll get her shoes and ask to go for a walk.  I am so proud of her and I really am grateful that I get to be home with her every day.  It's a lot of fun, now that I'm learning how to better entertain and interest her, and now that she likes to eat food.  She is my little buddy and I'm so excited to continue to see her learn and grow.  I wish Jake got to spend more time with her.  She just loves him and he loves her too.  I'm nervous to have another baby because I don't think Lila will like it at all at first... but I think it will be really good for her.  She will love having a playmate and a best buddy.  And, though it'll be hard at first, it will be good for her to be a little less attached to me and to not have 100% of my attention.  I am so blessed to have this little girl in my life.

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