Wednesday, August 10, 2011

19w 6d Ultrasound Results (Video)

We had our ultrasound this morning at 8:30.  I couldn't sleep last night.  I was up from 2:30-4:30 or 5 and then up again at 6 or so when Lila got up.  Just too excited, I guess.  Emily spent the night because she was coming to the ultrasound with us.  Jake had a hard time getting out bed, he was tired.

It's a beautiful day today.  The temperatures have finally cooled off, and it's a very temperate 70 degrees.  There were lots of fluffy clouds in the sky and I enjoyed watching them float by as we drove to the hospital.  I was so happy and excited, and wanted to savor the moment before my life would change again.  Well, according to Jake, it didn't change because the baby has always been what is is, but my perception of the world and my life has definitely changed.

We had to sit in the waiting room for 10-15 minutes before we were called back.  Lila was a really good girl.  She wasn't scared of the room or the ultrasound at all.  She sat and ate snacks and walked around a while, so that was great.  Jake taped it on his iPhone.

As soon as I saw the baby on the screen, I thought it looked like a boy and I mouthed that to Emily (Jake wasn't paying attention to me).  And then I thought I saw a flash of his "business."  The ultrasound tech looked around for a while at the heart and took pictures of that and the brain and spine and other anatomy.  And then finally it was time to look between the legs, and for a moment I couldn't figure out if it was for sure a boy, but the ultrasound tech said that it was and got a really good picture of his "business."

So, we are having a BOY!!!

I'm actually really excited.  The first time around, I really didn't want a boy.  I thought I wouldn't know what to do with one.  But now that I have more experience and Lila is so darn cute, I'm really excited for this new adventure.  I think Lila will really like having a little brother.  It will be fun to have a little boy in the house :)  I'm especially excited for Jake.  I think that he will absolutely love having a little boy, a little shadow, a little Jake mini-me following him around.  Although, when I told him that, we laughed because we already have a Little Jake walking around: Lila.  He said, "Yeah, I definitely don't feel like we have a Little Rudi walking around."

SO yeah, we're having a boy!  He looks perfectly healthy.  He's measuring a week smaller than his gestational age, but the tech and midwife said that it's in the normal range and nothing to be worried about.  So, maybe he'll be a smaller baby than Lila.  At Lila's ultrasound, I was 19 weeks along (I'm almost 20 this time), she was measuring a few days early and was 11 oz.  Little Boy is 9 oz.

As soon as we found out it was a boy, Jake asked the tech if she was positive it was a boy, and she said definitely, and then he asked if he could send out the text messages.  But then I told him to wait till we were done.  When we were finished, we got our printed pictures (there are some great ones!) and then Jake ran to the car to get a USB drive because the tech could put the pictures directly onto it, which was great.

And then we went back out to the waiting room and got to make phone calls.  (I had my 20 week check-up at 9:15.)  I called my mom first and she was at work.  I said, "Guess what!"  And she said, "I have no idea!"  And then I told her we're having a boy.  She laughed.  She's happy.  She said she's been kind of thinking it was a boy, and I have too.  She thought Lila was a boy too though.  She asked if I was excited and I told her that I really was.  I told her, though, that Emily (who was standing right by me) didn't seem very excited, lol, and she isn't, yet.  Emily still feels very hesitant about little boys, like they're foreign.  But I think she'll love him as soon as she meets him.  Mom said we'll have to get used to having a boy around--we never had too many of them around growing up.  Jake went outside and talked to his parents and Jim.  I called Jessica and texted Kelsey.  They're both excited of course.

And then we had our midwife appointment.  I weigh 112, which is what I weighed when I was 12 weeks along with Lila!  Lila did well in that too, it was a short visit.

 So yeah.  A boy.  Very exciting.  And lots more planning to do than if we were having another girl.  I'll have to hit up garage sales before the end of the summer.  Very exciting.  We're so blessed.

1 comment:

  1. I love your writeup of your ultrasound. :) So happy. I think little boys are much more of mini-Dads than girls are mini-Moms for some reason, though, until they're a little older. I'm so happy for you guys! Does Lila get it?
