Sunday, August 21, 2011

21w 3d - Tired

Feeling very tired.  Lila hasn't been sleeping well again the past few days (before that though she was sleeping great).  And I generally don't sleep as well when I'm pregnant.  So I'm really tired.  And feeling more pregnant.  I feel like my mind isn't quite working as well.  I've felt the baby's movements much stronger the past few days.  Actually movement instead of just little pokes.  He still isn't moving very often, but usually at night he's pretty active for a while.  Went for a bike ride yesterday and didn't even feel like I was physically pregnant... my belly is getting bigger, but I still don't feel huge yet at all.  This pregnancy is different because I know what's in store... I know how huge and uncomfortable I'll be, so this doesn't seem bad at all.

1 comment:

  1. Being pregnant is rough. Good thing it's for a good product.
