Monday, August 29, 2011

Lila @ 17 months

  • jared = jee-wee.  She says "Baby Jee-wee."  And gives my belly hugs and kisses.  She freely and happily gives my belly kisses, but doesn't really like to kiss Jake and I's faces.

  • She sometimes says she wants to touch something, or if she knows something is dangerous (like the stove), she'll tell me, "Don't touch."

  • Says "vroom vroom" about motorcycles and trucks and cars.  She loves seeing motorcycles when we're driving and calls them bikes.

  • She still loves American flags.  Gets excited whenever she sees one.  Calls them "fikes."

  • Says George (chuch)

  • church (chooch)

  • "I want da money."  We have no idea what she means by this, but it cracks us up.  We say, "Me too, Lila."

  • She asks for her cup or for water when she's thirsty.

  • Her first official sentences were: i don't want fruit. i want a popsicle (pock-a-tee).

  • "I want to watch Blue's Clues."  (Ah-wah-watch Coo's Coos.)

  •  Sky.  "Bye bye sky."  "I want sky."

  • "Tubby (Toby) home?  Tubby not home.  Tubby school."

  • "I want Daddy.  Daddy work."

  • When she goes to bed she says, "Bye bye Daddy."

  • Loves to do the airplane with Jake, loves to climb on him and have him tickle her and roll around on the floor with her.  Is not very interested in doing any of that with me.

  • "I want my Mike."  "I want Nemmy."

  • "Mowing" for mowing the yard.  "Daddy mowing."

  • Loves butterflies lately. "Fuh-fies."

  • "I want food."  "I want 'nack (snack)."

  • "Cwack-oo."  (Cracker.)

  • When we whisper to her she'll usually whisper back.  One time last week I asked her to whisper and she leaned forward and whispered, "I want Tubby."  Cracked me up.

  • "Mucka Mo-mon."  (Book of Mormon.)

  • "Jee jee."  (Jesus)

  • She's getting good at praying.  She'll fold her arms and close her eyes/bow her head for a second before resuming whatever she was doing... doesn't usually sit still for prayers.  But sometimes she'll say "amen."

  • She likes the phone and says, "Hewwo" into it.

  • "Temple.  Mowoni."

  • She's started saying and understanding what "scary" means.  When she's scared she says, "Skee-wee."

  • "I want tep."  (I want help.)

  • She's getting better at scooting around in her play car and on her bikes.  She can steer and push herself around.

  • She runs everywhere now, pumping her arms, it's so adorable.

  • Yesterday at the neighborhood party, she walked up and down stairs like a big kid, without holding onto anything!!  It was amazing.  And it scared Jake and I to watch. lol.

  • She LOVES shirts and shorts.  Says "Sheet" all the time for shirt, gets excited about it.

  • Has gotten really good at saying a pitiful "Mommy, mommy," when she wants me.  It's hard to say no to.

  • She's starting to help me with chores.  As best as a 17 month old can.  She hands me silverware and dishes one at a time when I'm unloading the dishwasher, and hands me clothes one at a time to put into the washer or dryer.  I say, "Thank you!" to her every time she hands me something.

  • She'll usually say please ("peas") or thank you" (tant too) if we ask her too.  And says "we-come" after we say "you're welcome."

  • She is a very smart little girl!  Learning and growing every day.  She'll be holding conversations with me before I know it.  She knows all the parts of her face, toes, fingers, belly, hands, feet.

  • She's obedient.  She's pretty good at following directions and doesn't get into mischief very often.

  • She does love to unfold clothes that I've just folded, but she has so much fun doing it that usually I let her.  

  • Loves the ABC song.  Loves to color and "draw" the ABC's.  When she sees something written on paper she says, "Baby C!" which means ABC!  

  • Loves when we sing Book of Mormon Stories or I Love to See the Temple.

  • She's so much fun and I love spending every day with her.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome list, Rudi. She is just perfect! My favorite age of all (so far)!
