Monday, August 8, 2011

Being Productive, and Reproductive - 19w 4d

We had a good week last week, and a good weekend too.  I tried to ease Lila back into a routine, and for the most part she did great.  I think her teeth are bugging her again.  I wish it didn't take so long for them to cut through.  But, she's generally been cheerful and playful and I'm so glad to see her feeling better.

During the week, I spent a lot of time working outside.  Weeding.  A lot.  We have pretty much neglected the big flower beds in our yards (front and back) the whole summer, so there were a ton of weeds.  Probably hundreds of pounds of them (some of them were huge!).  Also, we got rid of all the giant sunflowers and a lot of the wildflowers too.  We transplanted some of the mums on Saturday with Terie's help.  We still have more transplanting to do.  In a few weeks, we'll plant grass where the flowerbeds are.  I'm really excited about the progress we've made and how much better everything looks already.  It will be so nice, next year, to have much less to maintain and take care of.  I've enjoyed working out there and I think next year I'll enjoy it too.

We also finishing painting the big wall in the living room/kitchen.  So now the whole living/kitchen area is finished, which is also a great feeling.  I feel like we've accomplished a lot in the 3 months we've lived here.  There is still a LOT more to do, but it feels good to be checking things off of our gigantic to do list.

Jake got the riding lawn mower running and also found a bagger for it on Craigslist for $50!  He bought the mower from Sean Randall for $450.  So, all in all, a pretty good deal, and it should only take 30-45 minutes to mow the lawn now, instead of 2+ hours!  Awesome!  And, he can suck up all the leaves in the fall with it.  Woohoo!

Yesterday after 2nd ward's church, we had the Neils and VanZantens over for a BBQ.  Emily and Mike also came.  So did Frank and Kate Whitaker.  It was a really nice time.  We haven't really had a lot of people over since we've moved in, and we definitely should do this more often (have company).  What's the point in having a nice house if you never have people over?  Fun time.

On Friday evening we, with Emily, went over to the Randall's (Jake's boss's).  They're on a juice diet (they make fresh juice with a juicer) right now, and Jake's super interested, mostly because he loves juice.  So they had us over to try different kinds of juices.  We tried broccoli, zucchini, carrot, beet.  And also more traditional orange, pineapple, banana, etc.  It was fun.  I like Jen a lot.  She also gave me some AWESOME bread and jam, it's so yummy.  Good people.

On Thursday evening we helped (well, Jake helped) the Littles load up their moving van.  They are moving to Utah because Josh found several people out there to work for Bloomfire, the company he runs.  (Josh is a part-owner and the founder of the company Jake works at, Maestro.)  That was good too.

Mike is doing alright.  He spent a week at scout camp and is happy to be home, though he enjoyed spending time with his YM.  Things with Cassandra are weird right now.  But I think a lot of that is due to Mike's hypersensitivity about, well, everything.  I keep telling him to relax.  Most of the issues are just normal issues that most married couples have to work through anyway.  He picked up his ring today.  He doesn't sound very excited about it because he's not 100% sure that he wants to propose.  But I think he will soon.  He still needs to talk to Kirk, Cassandra's dad, and he's really not looking forward to that.  Cassandra's oldest brother, Jason, is now un-engaged.  He's 32 and single again.  What a weird family.  It would be one thing if maybe only one of the children was unmarried, but 4 of them are unmarried and over the age of 22.  It's really dysfunctional, the way they are.  I really hope that Cassandra can just push through and commit.  For her happiness and for Mike's.

Emily's bummed about Shane still, but she's doing well.  I'm trying to encourage her to not be so bitter about it.  She calls him a jerk and talks badly about him, so when she does I try to be understanding but to help her understand that he didn't intentionally want to hurt her... and that he's making a lot of normal decisions for someone his age and with his experience.  He is officially planning on transferring to BYU after this semester.  Oh well.  Emily will find someone much better, and she feels very confident about that.  She's really excited to start school.  I'll miss seeing her so much.  It'll be a little different when she lives 40 minutes away as opposed to 15.

Anyway, feeling blessed.  Feeling the baby kick more and more.  Our appointment is Wednesday morning at 8:30 and I'm very excited to find out what we're having.  I think it's a boy, but I also think it's a girl, so... I'll actually feel surprised either way.  But I'll be happy either way and very excited too.  I used to be scared to have a boy, but now I think it would be a lot of fun.  Jake doesn't want to guess because he doesn't want to be wrong (party pooper), so his official guess is that we're having twins, one of each.  It will make this pregnancy seem more real.  It still doesn't feel very real to me, and I definitely don't think about it as much as I did when I was pregnant with Lila.  Jake and I don't talk about it a whole lot.  Only sometimes.  Tonight was the first time he started talking to the baby in my belly, trying to get it to kick for him.  He said, "Hey in there!  This is your father!"  I thought it was cute.  I like that he's the father of my children. :)  We are excited to have another baby.  I'm feeling great.  Only tired, but that's mostly because of Lila's struggles the past week.  I'm having to get up to pee 2-3 times a night too. But so far, this pregnancy has been even easier than my pregnancy with Lila, which wasn't too terrible.  Of course, I still have halfway to go, but I'm feeling good.  I think a lot of it has to do with my weight gain.... I'm gaining the normal, healthy amount.  I think it's making a big difference.  I'm able to still be active and work hard--so much so that sometimes I forget that I'm pregnant.  My belly is definitely getting bigger though.  I have a pronounced pregnant belly now, and sometimes in the evenings I do feel very pregnant.  It's fun to be going through this again.  So excited for Wednesday!

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