Friday, April 22, 2011


Lila went to bed very easily on Wednesday night, without any fussing at all, which is awesome.  I'm guessing that the Ibuprofen helped a lot!  I spent the evening helping Jake with some reports he needed to make for work.  Mike stopped by for a few minutes before heading to Cassandra's.

Thursday, Lila was ready for a nap by 11:00.  At 12:30 I walked into the room to check on her, and accidentally stepped on her doll, which started talking.  Woops.  It woke her up; she sat up and started rubbing her eyes and so I started talking to her.  I laid down next to her.  She laid her head on my chest and fell back asleep until 1:40!  Woohoo!  I love it when she has long naps.  She was giggling, talking, and smiling in her sleep too.  "Duckadin, duckadin."  One of her favorite things to say.

When Jake got home from work, he had an over-the-phone stake presidency meeting.  Lila was acting tired so I tried putting her to bed, but she didn't want to go to bed and then pooped, so I let her wander around and play for a while.  She luckily was asleep before The Office started at 9.  Michael Scott only has one more episode left on the show!

Friday was more of the same.  Packing, Lila napping, and staying inside because it was cold and rainy again.  Jake did a lot of driving around to get things done on the house and tried to squeeze work in as much as he could.  When he got home, I made a quick dinner and we brought the trailer back to the Lillroses.  He got rid of the carpet and padding for $100 earlier that day.  And then we went to the house, our house, and did some cleaning up.  When Lila got cranky, we left for home and hauled the cat peed-on wood with us to put in the dumpster at the apartment.  Got Lila to bed and then Jake worked for a while while I hung out by myself.

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