Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Texts from my overdue friend Jess

Jess:  FYI there is a package headed your way. (late b-day presdent for lila.) should have arrived on Monday, but it's late or missing (like everything else in my life!) :) keep an eye out!

Me: haha aww jess that's really sweet of you. we'll keep an eye out for it. is haley still there with you?

Jess: Yes but she leaves this afternoon.  I feel terrible that she came all this way and nothing happened. :( it was a gamble and we lost!

Me: oh that's so sad! i never would've thought that she would miss the baby! it must've been so nice to have company though! how are you doing?? are you going crazy or are you feeling calm?

Jess: I alternate between the two. Yesterday I felt better after the ultrasound-she's looking perfectly healthy and full-term. She hast lots of fluid and is practicing breathing- we got to see her chest rising and falling. she's just hanging out and doing fine. I don't know why we are all in such a rush to get our babies out of that perfect climate. But then sometimes I do get anxious thinking about stillbirth or fetal demise and I want her to be born asap.

Me: Yeah, the thing about birth is that once they're here there is no going back :) i'm sure she's perfectly safe and happy where she is. She must be giving you an extra "vacation" before all the work begins! are you really uncomfortable and sore?

Jess: No. My legs are getting pretty swollen and sleeping is a nightmare and I do have to pee ALL the time. But my heartburn is super mild and my energy level is great and I can walk around just fine. I really have been lucky. Did you go into labor on your own? Did they have to break your water? I keep going into labor (almost nightly for up to 4 or 5 hours) with consistent strong contractions every 5 minutes but then it just dies down and stops. It's the weirdest thing.

Me: Well I'm glad you're mostly comfortable. So weird that your body won't stay in labor! I went to the hospital with contractions at 4cm , when I was at 6cm they broke my water because I wasn't progressing well anymore and then 6 hrs later I started pushing.

Jess: I'm thinking my water needs to break for me to continue with labor but the birthing center won't do that until I'm 41 weeks and 6 days :(

Me: Yeah it sounds like it would help to do that. It really got things going for me, contractions after that were super powerful.  Wow, that's a long time to wait still isn't it?

Jess: It would be Monday. Ugh! At least my mom will be here by then. How many weeks were you?

Me: Oh I didn't know your mom is coming.  That is so awesome.  I feel bad saying it, but I was 3 days early. But I think you look way better than I did.  All of my maternity clothes wouldn't fit anymore and I had gained 50+ pounds.

Jess: Well sounds like none of us get the ideal pregnancy.  Boo.

1 comment:

  1. Boo. I hope she goes soon! I went on Katie's due date, 11 days early with Jane. Love that Jane girl! :)
