Sunday, April 3, 2011

Conference Sunday

Lila woke up last night at 10, just before Jake got home from conference.  She was wide awake and cheerful so I let her get out of bed and wait for Jake with me.  At 11 we all were in bed, except Lila cried and cried for the next hour, which is very unlike her.  She was so tired but couldn't fall asleep, I'm guessing because of her molars.  I had a headache and was so tired.  Finally at midnight Jake took her to her room and she fell asleep cuddling with the quilt my mom made for my graduation (she really likes it).  She was up a few more times during the night but thankfully didn't cry again.  Probably the worst night we've had with her in a really, really long time... but it wasn't even that bad.  We all got up for the day after 9:30, which was nice.

We had donuts for breakfast (leftover from yesterday) and Lila had a little piece of mine.  Her new thing is to take little bites of things but then spit them out by sticking out her tongue.  Cute, but I wish she'd chew and swallow :)  She's making progress though.  I got to take a shower before conference.  She went down for a nap at 12:15.  Woke up at around 1:30.  Jake made brownies to take to the Johnson's during the morning session.  We played with Lila, she walked around.

Went over to Rand and Lynn Johnson's in between sessions for lunch/dinner, just like we used to do when they were at the branch.  Sean and Christy Szekely were also there.  It was so nice to visit; we miss them so much.  Lila sat and ate with us pretty well... she probably didn't actually get that much food in her belly but she was trying.  She liked the rice.  The Johnsons are doing well... they've been keeping busy with their work and visiting children and grandkids.  Sister Johnson seems so much more relaxed now than she ever did before. 

We left as the afternoon session was starting and headed to the nursing home to visit John and stayed for 20 minutes.  We got home at 5 and listened to the last half of conference.  Then Mike came over to pick up the guitar from President Anderson.  Kalina randomly texted him today, making a joke about conference, so he wrote back and basically told her that he's not comfortable having any kind of relationship with her.  He and Cassandra have been talking on the phone a lot this weekend.  She told him that so far Conference has helped her feel really glad that they're dating.  He's so impressed with her.

Lila apparently likes brownies!  She "ate" a little bit at the Johnson's and then again when Mike was over.  AND tonight she stood up unassisted three or four different times in a row.  And she was so happy when she did.  She is really so adorable!!!  That kid just makes us smile and laugh all the time.  Something else exciting is that she took her first bath since November tonight!  She loved it!  She was splashing and giggling and talking the whole time.  This makes me so happy... she's finally like a normal baby in at least one aspect of her life :)  I'm looking forward to a summer of nice bath-times before bed in our new house.  She's doing really well and I adore her.

Overall, a wonderful weekend.  Lots of good family time and loved the messages from conference.  I'm looking forward to studying them again, on my own and with Jake.

1 comment:

  1. I love bath time! I'm glad Lila's back to enjoying them. I like when you give Mike/Cassandra updates. So exciting. :)
