Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Texts From Mike

Last night went well.  We didn't have time to talk about NY.  But we'll do that tonight.  We did do one of those determine the relationship things last night.  It was awkward but fun.  That's how I like it.  She wanted to know where I see this going.  Then she told me where she sees it going.  She wants to spend as much time as possible with me this week.  She still talks about Toronto like it's not optional.  She's also really worried about being in a long distance relationship, because that didn't work out too well  for her with that first boyfriend, Curtis.  So, tonight will be awesome.  I'm going to talk to her about how awkward it felt when she invited Nick to draw on her arm.  I'll also share some thoughts I've had about our relationship and where it's going.  I think it will be beneficial if I take my guard down a little bit and start letting her know how I really feel.

I said, "I really like you, it's been great getting to know you, and I want to continue getting to know you.  While the future is dependent upon getting to know you more, I think it's really possible and really likely that we'll end up married."  Then she said, "This is a really awkward time to have a cough drop in my mouth."  Haha.  She probably wanted to make out right then.  But that didn't happen.  Eventually, in response to what I shared, she said, "I really like you, and I think it's really possible that we'll end up married, but I'm not prepared to say 'really likely' at this time because I just don't know yet."

Later I told her, "I said 'likely' because I could."  Then I swiftly changed the subject so that she couldn't respond, but can now spend some time thinking about what I said.  I think she just hasn't had confirmation from the spirit yet.  She also said she needs to see me with my parents.  She wants to see how we interact.  I said, "Yeah you do!" lol.  I don't think she has any idea how good my relationship with my parents is.  Maybe it will make her feel a little insecure.  I doubt it.  She will probably envy that relationship since her parents don't show a lot of affection or whatever and her mom makes things uncomfortable.  Then she said she also needs to see me angry/stressed.  I laughed and joked about that one for a little bit.  I've got things pretty well figured out though.  So, I'm looking forward to tonight.

Is it weird that she and I don't say "I love you yet?"  I wonder when that'll happen.  I can control myself pretty well though.  Which is to say that I could totally resist saying it for a long time.  But I don't think I will resist.  I will give in soon. Lol.

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