Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Weekend

The days go by so quickly, but the week seems to be so long.  We've only had the house for only a week and a few days, but it feels like it's been a long time because we've gotten a lot accomplished.

Saturday morning, Lila woke up a little too early for my taste.  Jake woke me up at 8:50 (yeah, I got a little spoiled and slept in) to ask if I wanted to go to Meijer with them.  Yup, I did.  So we got some groceries and boxes, and then headed to Walmart to get a hose and some other things for the house.  Jake dropped us off at the apartment and headed to Lowe's, Menard's, and Sherman-William's to find sealer for the cement floor in the basement.  He definitely is a shop-around kind of guy.  While he was out, Lila and I Skyped with my mom for a while, which was fun, and then she took a nap.  When she got up, we headed to the house.  It was such a nice day out!  Sunny and warm with a nice breeze.  I loved it.

At the house, we cleaned for a while and Jake tried out the power-washer he's borrowing from Mike.  The house is very dirty, not a surprise.  He's going to wait for a sunnier day soon to do it; he started pretty late in the afternoon and wants to start early one morning.  Lila and I had fun playing on the porch and walking around the yard.  She loves being outside.  We had all the windows open in the house and it was just so pleasant.  That's something I've been looking forward to for years--Saturdays at my own house with the windows open and a cool breeze.  There's so much sunshine in the house too because of all the windows.  Love it.

Lila started getting cranky, and I did too a little bit (was getting hungry), so at around 5 we drove to Walmart for some things and for dinner.  I was hoping that Lila would fall asleep in the car, but she didn't.  Shortly after getting back to the house, Jim, Angela, and little Emily arrived to help out.  Jim and Jake sealed the basement floors--that didn't take too long--while Angela, Emily, Lila and I played.  Emily, L, and I played in the backyard.  L laughed at Emily while she was running around, and she also loved climbing up the stairs on the deck.  It was really nice having some company there for Lila... who otherwise gets pretty bored and cranky.  Just as Jake and Jim were finishing up, Mike and Cassandra stopped by.  He said he had a great day on Saturday with her and her family... saw a lot of things he needed to see (interactions with C and her sisters... she "picked a fight" with Savannah, who's really bratty), cooked in the kitchen with her family, talked about important things, etc.  It was nice seeing Cassandra and seeing them together.  She really loves Lila and is good with her too.  She and Mike drove over to Holland on Thursday night to have dinner with Jim, Angela, and Emily.  Emily really likes Cassandra; C had french-braided Emily's hair on Thursday night and on Saturday night she still had the braids in because she loved them so much.  Some neighbors walked by with their dogs and Lila had a blast playing with the dog while Jake visited with them.  Their dog's name is Rudy :)  They apologized when Jake told them that his wife's name was Rudi, lol.  Very fun.  Looking forward to many fun nights there this summer.

We didn't get home till late, after 9:00 and Lila didn't get to bed till after 10, poor girl.  Jake and I stayed up later than we should have, watching an episode of Parks and Rec.

Easter Sunday was good.  Lila usually makes it through the first half of Sacrament Meeting pretty well but then needs to be taken out to the foyer for the rest of the meeting.  She was crankier than usual because she'd gotten to bed so late the night before.  But she sure had a blast walking around the foyer.  I went out there to check on them after a choir performance.  Lots of people (parents with children, etc) were going in and out of the door.  I'm walking towards the door and in front of me I see a little blond girl in a blue dress walking back out the door (it was open) and I think, "That looks a lot like Lila."  And it was Lila!  I follow her out to the foyer and see Jake sitting on the couch, visiting with Kevin Wesel, and he didn't even realize that she'd gone back into the chapel! lol.  She had fun walking around with Jarom and Waylon.

Primary was crazy.  Holly (president) was gone again (I've only seen her once in the past three months!) and all of the senior primary teachers were gone.  So there was a lot of scrambling to find last-minute subs but it all worked out.  Melissa showed the movie "The Lamb of God" for sharing time.  Preston and Annette weren't in church--she was in labor on Saturday night so we're all assuming that they had the baby!  Jake spent 2nd hour walking in circles around the high council room table with Lila in the Ergo until she fell asleep. :)  She woke up as 3rd hour (EQ) was starting.

After church we went to the nursing home to visit John.  Lila is so funny there.  Whenever I carry her around to talk to some of the old ladies (one of them in particular is so in love with Lila), she always buries her face in my neck.  It was another nice day out, sunny and warm.

We had lunch at home and then headed to the house.  Lila fell asleep on the way there and slept for an hour in her car seat in the garage :)  So Jake and I were able to get some good cleaning done.  When she woke up, Jake power-washed the front porch and I spent time with Lila out in the yard.  Emily called and I invited her to come over.  She's excited because more cute guys were at church this week, including a really handsome pre-med student named Nathaniel who showed a lot of interest in her.  As in, he gave her a big hug after church and asked if she wanted to hang out the next day (today).  She said that after church, it was like the scene from Gone with the Wind where Scarlett is surrounded by all those men--she was surrounded by all these guys and she kept thinking of the scripture about tithing... how the windows of heaven will be opened and the blessings of heaven will be poured out. lol.  We sat on the back deck and visited and Lila played around.

Shortly after Emily left, we finished our cleaning, and then took Lila for a little walk around the neighborhood.  It was so nice. :)  I've always loved going for walks with Jake, and now we have our very own neighborhood to walk in with our baby.  It's very quiet and peaceful.  We passed a guy running barefoot a few times, and I nicknamed him Barry (Barefoot Barry).  We're so excited to move in on Saturday.

Got home at 7:30 and Mike arrived shortly after that.  Jake make chocolate chip cookies and Mike filled us in on developments with Cassandra.  She told him that she wants to get "more serious" with him, and that she's never been very comfortable bringing guys to her house and spending time with them and her family, but that she feels very comfortable with Mike there.  Talked about intimacy in marriage, birth control, timing of children.  She wants to start having children immediately, while he thinks it might be better to wait a little while, even just a few months.  Eventually, Jessica called and I was so excited to talk to her.  She told me her birth story (crazy) and that things were going really well.  She posted new pictures on Saturday that I just adore.  She looks so great (doesn't look at all like she had a baby five days ago!) and Audrey is doing well.  Sigh.  So happy for them.  I looked through old pictures of Jess on Facebook a few days ago and miss her so much.  What a fun, loving, happy person.  She's going to be a wonderful mother.  Our conversation wrapped up when Lila started crying, ready for bed, it was after 9:00, and she puked all over.  Lila didn't have a great night.  Must still be not feeling well.

After Lila went to bed, we visited with Mike till 11pm.  He told us something that he really didn't want to tell us.  On Thursday night, Cassandra told him that she'd like to talk to Kalina, and that she really feels like she needs to.  This has been really stressful for Mike, needless to say, lol.  He's talked with Dad and his favorite mission companion/buddy Bradley Eustice about it, and then Mom called him all fired up, and everyone's opinion is that it is not a good idea.  Mike talked a long time about why... how he doesn't want Kalina to be a part of their relationship, he's been working so hard at keeping her out of his life, etc.  Cassandra wants to sit down and like ask Kalina questions.  C said that she still doesn't really know what she'd ask or how it would all play out, but that it's been something she's been thinking of.  So then Jake and I told Mike that he needs to tell her everything.  Up to now, he's given her a general overview of what happened, mentioned some specifics, but there are a lot of gaps in the story that he needs to fill in.  I suggested letting Cassandra read some excerpts of his journal and emails that he wrote and the email that Kalina wrote to him.  He thought that was a good idea.

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