Sunday, April 17, 2011

Audrey Jill Fisher

This seems oddly familiar... I'm at home, Lila's sleeping, and Jake is at our house working on the floors. :)

Jake didn't get home till around 1:30 last night, but he and Jim got all the carpeting and padding torn off!  I was surprised--I thought it would take a lot longer.  AND, Angela was amazing and cleaned out my fridge and cabinets for me!  The fridge was really gross, so I'm pretty thrilled about this, and so grateful too.  She's awesome.

We were late for church this morning, unsurprisingly.  Church is hard these days, with a walking, 30 lb. baby who's too young for nursery.  She was really tired and cranky at church.  Primary was weird.  We haven't had regular church the past 2 weeks, and I was there the week before that.  I hadn't seen Holly, the president, in seriously 2 months and she's going to be gone the next 2 Sundays too.  Rachel is the RS president now so there's only one counselor (Melissa) and she wasn't there today!  And I was out in the hall with Lila for most of Primary.

Things worked out well though.  I talked with Cassandra's mom, Annette, for a while.  She'd heard that we got the house and asked about that.  I told her about the carpets, and she said that she'd possibly like to use some of it for gardening... if you spread out a bunch of carpet on your yard/garden, it will obviously kill all of the weeds underneath it because they don't get sunlight.  You can also cut holes in it to grow plants.  Apparently, Jake's mom did this in Petoskey for a few years.  I told her that Jake's brother helped him rip out the carpets last night and she asked, "Oh, was it Mike?  No, wait, he was with Cassandra last night."  Jake also talked to Cassandra's Dad, Kirk, about using their trailer to haul the carpet out to the dump.

Lila fell asleep almost instantly on the way home, so we sat in the car in the parking lot for a while so she could sleep.  Once she woke up, we quickly changed and packed food for lunch and headed off.  We picked up a tool from Quentin Hunt and then drove to the Lillrose's (Cassandra's family) to get the trailer.  We went in and visited with Kirk and Annette for a while.  She was excited/impressed that Lori had done the carpet gardening thing.  Lila liked their cats.  Annette was excited that we'll live so close.  She said, "Yay, now we're neighbors!"  And she wants to come over to see the house.

When we got to the house, Mike was there.  He helped Jake load carpet onto the trailer.  We cleaned a little bit and pulled staples out from the floor (there's a lot of that to do).  But eventually it got too hard with Lila so we dropped the trailer back off at the Lillrose's and headed home.  Lila fell asleep just as we pulled into the complex.  She stayed asleep as we took her out and into the apartment and napped for a while.  We had dinner and got Lila ready for bed, but she cried a lot like she has been the past few nights.  I don't know what the deal is... she has a bit of a cold and her molars must be super painful, but she's just never cried like this before.  Anyway, it's not too awful.  I finally ended up rocking her to sleep again and she seems to really like that.  She just lays there quietly and peacefully.

Mike called after Lila went down to chat.  Looks like Cassandra will be coming to Ironwood with all of us for the 4th!  I'm so excited and so is he, obviously.  She tentatively had a family reunion of her own that week, but it's not till the 8-9th.  They've had a lot of fun this weekend.  They talked about how she's uncomfortable being affectionate in public.  Mike asked if her parents were ever affectionate with each other at home and she said that they weren't, and she knows that has a lot to do with it.  She also said that she has so much on her mind lately, about the future, where they're going, etc, but they didn't really go into detail about it.  Mike's going to ask her about it later this week.  Here are some texts from him --

Made out in the compressor building last night.  [At his work.] It was awesome. :)  I totally accomplished my goal.

We went to my place.  There wasn't enough time to watch a movie.  But we sat on the couch, she put her head in my lap.  So I just played with her hair for a bit.  Then when it was time to go we started making out and it was awesome!  Then we stopped and she looked me in the eyes and said, "Why do we live so far apart?"  It wasn't intended to be answered.  She just wants to be romantic with me more.  Probably.  Then I said, "Well, I'm really happy that you're home this week.  It's nice to have you so close."  So then we were getting to my truck to leave and she was cold, exclaimed that she wished she had a blanket.  So I grabbed my blanket from you guys out of the Sequoia.  She loved it and talked about how soft it was.  Nice work. :)

So, there were some interesting things said on Friday night.  She was like, "Ahh, there's just so much on my mind.  What to do with school, where I go next in life, what is going to be with our relationship and us.  I need to figure some of these things out by the end of the week."  That's not an exact quote, but pretty close.  Then she said, "When I went to New York, there were things that I thought I wanted to do that I realize I don't want to do at all.  And there are also things I didn't expect I wanted to do that now I really want to do."  So.  I don't know what that means.  Will have to find out.

Oh, and the BIG NEWS of the day -- Jessica had her baby!!!!!! :)  I'm so happy and excited for her!!!!!!  Here's an email I got --

Audrey Jill Fisher was born today at 5:30am. She has a full head of beautiful dark hair to match her mom, and her daddy's cleft chin weighing in at 8 lbs 6 oz, and 21.5 inches long. She has quite a personality already and is excited to meet all of her cousins! :) Jessica was quite a trooper and delivered her without any medications after about 10 hours of labor at the birthing center, coached by her excellent strong man--most of it in the dark without power due to a heavy thunderstorm.....just our luck! We are thrilled to be parents--it still feels surreal. Both baby and mom are doing well. We were able to come home from the birthing center about 6 hours after baby Audrey was born.

-Jason, Jessica & Audrey

Can you imagine going through labor without electricity?!  It's a good thing she was planning on a natural birth.   I'm just thrilled.  Audrey is just gorgeous.  Looks a lot like Lila actually.  Almost exactly the same size as Lila too... the only difference is Lila was 8lbs 8oz.  So, she's finally here and my dear friend is finally a mom.  She was 12 days overdue.  I found out this morning at church, I saw on Facebook that Lindsay had posted a congrats on her wall.  And then after church she texted me a picture and said she was doing ok, but was pretty traumatized by the birth.  I just love her and I'm so excited to meet this little girl.

1 comment:

  1. Labor without electricity would be even more surreal, I'd think. No generators? So they were at a birthing center...what does that mean? I'd love to come home 6 hours's torture staying for 48!

    I'm glad the carpet work has been going quickly. It's so hard to be helpful in times like that when someone has to watch Lila. I'm glad Angela cleaned your yucky fridge!
