Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sonja, Shopping, My Growing Girl

Something that I forgot to mention yesterday... throughout the weekend, after our trip to the temple, at moments when I might have complained or at least have been a little frustrated... like when Dan wanted to come over on Saturday and we had so much going on... or when we found out that we needed to be in Battle Creek at 7 instead of 9 like we'd thought... I just felt completely at peace, and the Spirit reminded me that that's exactly what I had covenanted to do at the temple the day before... to use my blessings to serve other people.

Lila woke up sometime before 5 this morning, happy, until she had some bad gas and was whiney and tired.  So when she finally farted, she was fine and laid back down to go to sleep, but then my arm felt wet and I realized that she'd actually pooped.  At 5am!  Nice, Lila!  :)  So we changed her diaper and all went back to bed.  But she got up when Jake did.  We spent the morning packing and playing.  She is walking all over the place now, like a pro.  She can stand up on her own.  It's so funny to see her walking everywhere instead of crawling.  It happened so fast!  She took a nap in the morning.  When she got up, we had lunch together.  I made myself a sandwich and Lila got some wild rice and chips.  She loves the rice and tries so hard to get it into her mouth.  So that's pretty cool.

And then it took a while to get out the door to leave.  I had Lila all ready, but then couldn't find my keys... long story short, Jake had left the 4-Runner and my keys were in Lila's carseat. :)  She loves playing with my keys.  We went to Sonja's.  It was SO nice outside.  60 degrees and sunny, it felt so warm.  Sonja's kids were either at school or napping, so she came out and we sat in the grass in the front yard and visited.  Lila had a blast walking around.  Sonja thinks Lila is just a sweet, sweet girl, and I agree.  She's just sweet.  Not spunky, just sweet.  And good-natured, easy-going too.  Her friend Rhonda dropped by so while they were visited, Lila and I walked down the street... she was practically dragging me, she was having so much fun.  She picked up some leaves from the ground and carried them around.  She is going to love living at our house.  We'll go for walks every day and play in the yard.  So excited.  Sonja's doing great.

Lila was pretty cranky when we left, but I decided that since I was that far south, I would hit up a few stores on Westnedge.  I went to Second Childhood.  For the first 5-10 minutes, Lila walked around the store gleefully happy, laughing to herself, but that quickly turned into a meltdown.  She's been having so many of those lately... I really think it's the teeth.  I got a good look at the molars today and ouch, it looks painful.  She's getting a top one too.  Anyway, so that was no fun.  Oh, she also pooped while we were there.  But, I was able to buy her some things for spring/summer.  A light jacket (pink, Old Navy, so cute), three pairs of shorts, and two shirts.  And a pair of sandals but they're too big yet.

She fell asleep on the way home and slept for nearly an hour.  I didn't have the energy to deal with a fussing, crying baby while preparing dinner so I just put in a frozen pizza.  Jake was really tired when he got home from work.  But Lila sure perked up when he came home, she was so sweet and smiley.  He laid down for a little after dinner.  When he left, I Skyped with my parents and they loved seeing her walking around.  They also watched her get a bath, which was really cute.  She was pretty happy in there.  Desiree texted to say that she's being induced at 1pm tomorrow!!  I talked with her for a bit at Stake Conference on Sunday and she looked so miserable.  Very, very swollen and her belly is so big.  She's not due till the 20th, I think.  She doesn't have pre-eclampsia yet, but her blood pressure and swelling are making the doctors nervous, so they want to get the baby here safely.  So exciting!!  Jessica still hasn't had her baby!!  Ahh, all these babies, so exciting.

It took her a while to wind down for bed, but she was asleep by 8:15 and hasn't gotten up since, which is pretty awesome.  More awesome news: the new presidency will meet on Thursdays from 6-8 instead of Tuesdays from 7-11!  Woohoo!  This breaks up the week much better and it's so much shorter and earlier.  I'm so happy about this.

Talked to Mike for a while.  Sometimes it seems like, and maybe he actually is, a little insensitive about Cassandra's weaknesses and shortcomings.  She grew up in a home where her mother wasn't very warm or nurturing, and her communication and relationship-style kind of reflects that.  I encouraged him to be sensitive to that, and to nurture her and build her up.  I told him that Jake has done that for me... and I tell ya... just thinking about the way he treated me and my family when we were dating warms my heart and almost makes me tear up.  He was so gently and loving with me (so much more than he is now, lol).  He had so much faith and confidence in me.  I love that guy.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Rudi! Lots of updates! I'm glad that Lila is walking around and that you're having so much fun with this phase. I love it!

    Mmm, Dunkin Donuts. We used to go there before going to the temple on our youth temple trips to Chicago.

    We have the Ikea wok, too. So cheap, and it's lasted!

    That's really neat to hear about your experiences with the new Stake Presidency. I've never been involved in anything like that, and it's so cool that Jake is serving with such great men.

    Wow, poor Dan. There are so many people in the world, you know...it's hard to see why some people stick with relationships that aren't good for anyone. I've been thinking about what you said, about wandering lost when you have access to everything you need to bring you true happiness. That is so true. Why do we make it harder on ourselves by trying to do our own things? I find myself doing that in smaller ways, skipping scripture study, ignoring my kids, etc.

    Melting down...it's a 2-3 year old thing and lasts for way too long no matter what you do! Katie still has meltdowns when she hasn't had enough sleep/food! :) Good luck!
