Friday, April 29, 2011

Positive (5w 1d)

OK.  So, tonight Jake got home at around 6:15 maybe.  We had some dinner while watching a Project Runway rerun and then went to Walmart to pick up milk, juice, water bottles, floss, trash bags.  Ran into Preston Shumway there; Annette had their baby about a week ago.  Pretty exciting.  Lila was cute.

We got home and I took off my clothes to take a shower.  Jake was watching me (not unusual) and said, "Uh, are you bloated?" and "Maybe you should take a pregnancy test."  Something along those lines.  I looked in the mirror and wow, I had quite the tummy.  But I didn't feel bloated, it felt firm.  Last month, there was a few days after I knew I'd ovulated where I was pretty bloated and I thought maybe I was pregnant, but the two tests (from I took came back negative.  And then I had a period starting March 24th.

During around the time in April when I thought I'd be ovulating, I started taking ovulation test strips again, but for like 3-4 or more days in a row, I just got faint line that never got darker.  Eventually I just thought it was lame so I stopped taking the tests, but Jake and I tried anyway.  I was pretty sure that nothing came of it.

Since then (that was probably 2-3 weeks ago), things have gotten pretty crazy with the move.  And even though I know I've been a little more impatient with Lila, I really do think she's been crankier/needier than usual.  I wrote this to Kelsey on April 22:

As far as I know, I'm not pregnant yet, and to be honest, that's okay with me. This whole house-buying experience and then all the craziness with having to replace the carpets and all the work that the move has been and will be... and with how miserable Lila's been lately, I seriously don't know how I'd do it being pregnant. I've thought so many times lately how I don't know how moms handle more than one kid! lol We'll still try, but I'm really okay with it taking a while. I feel like this house is a new baby and will take a lot of our time and energy this summer. I really feel like Heavenly Father knows me and what I need and I trust His timing, so whatever happens we'll take it and be grateful for it.

I've really thought quite a few times over the past few weeks that I don't know how people manage more than one child!  I think a lot of it has to do with the move and all the added stress that has been.  But, anyway, I really thought/felt like it would be ok and be a relief if I didn't get pregnant this time around... but that it would also really make sense if I did, just because of the irony.  Of course I would find out the night before we move.

Anyway, back to tonight.  After checking myself out in the mirror and seeing how big my belly was, I decided to take a test.  The thought crossed my mind earlier this morning, but I thought it would probably be a waste.  I always feel so silly when I take a test and it's negative.  I barely had to go to the bathroom, but I manage to go enough to take a test :)  I immediately started watching it and the control line showed up but I didn't see any other line so I kept saying things like, "Nope. Not pregnant."  And maybe a minute (probably less) went by and then I thought I started seeing a faint, faint line.  I turned a brighter light on and inspected the test further.  I showed it to Jake and asked him a few times if he thought he saw a line.  After another minute or so, there was definitely a line there!  And it got darker as time passed (the instructions say to wait a full 5 minutes for complete results).

My initial reaction was, "Wow.  Ok."  And kind of went on with taking my shower.  Jake and I looked at each other like, "Nice.  Well done!"  But we weren't like super excited or anything.  Because I really didn't believe the test at first... thought it was maybe a fluke or something, because it wasn't as dark as the control line.  So I showered and kept asking Jake if he really thought I was pregnant, and he did.  Told me that my legs and butt look a little bigger than usual, and they sure do!  I can't believe I'd already be gaining weight... I really don't want to gain 50 pounds again!

Anyway, so I finished my shower and looked up on the website to read about positive results and they even have pictures that women send in of positive results, and even a faint line means positive... soooo... it looks like I really am pregnant.  !!!!  I still want to take another "real" pregnancy test (not just a strip) tomorrow morning.  We happen to have a few.  So, we'll see.

As I've been writing this, I've been feeling things going on in that area...

It would definitely explain why I've been feeling SO cranky the past week... just drained and exhausted and not motivated to do much.  A little depressed.  Similar to what I felt with the last pregnancy.

The due date would be around December 29th.  That would put me a few days past 5 weeks along.

WOWSERS.  More tomorrow.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Lila @ 13 months

Not doing monthly letters anymore... seemed to be a right time to stop, and I plan on doing them for the first year of all my children.  Like a baby book.  But, I'd still like to record what life is like and what my baby is like every month.  And I'll write letters to Lila on all of her birthdays.  Anyway, here is what Lila is like at 13 months--

  • Walking full-time now.  Doesn't crawl anymore.  As soon as she learned how to stand up on her own, it wasn't long before she was walking all over the place.  Lately she has loved to pull/carry things as she walks... large bags, particularly, lol.  Sometimes she walks with her little arms pushed back behind her and that's super cute.
  • She has 8 teeth but is getting 4 molars.  She absolutely hates getting her teeth brushed.  It's impossible to do with a toothbrush so we have to use a washcloth around one of our fingers.  She happily plays with her toothbrush when we give it to her though and puts it in her mouth and kind of pretends to brush her teeth.  She also likes to "brush" our teeth.
  • Still not eating!  And it's really starting to bug me, lol.  I really think something is wrong and that she'll need to see a specialist.  It's gotten worse these past few weeks... we've been busy with the move and off a schedule and she hasn't been feeling like herself, with her molars coming in and a cold.  She refuses to be fed and often say "no" or "no-no" now when we try to offer her food.  A lot of times she'll close her eyes and shake her head too with a frown, like it's offensive or something.  Sometimes she spits food out if she's taken a bite.  She's declining graham crackers, which used to be her favorite.  I'm hoping that once we're settled into our house she'll get better.  
  • She still loves nursing.  Mostly, I still love it too.  But it is starting to bug me that she's not eating.  I don't think that the nursing is causing her not to eat.  Because most babies gradually learn how to love food on their own.  Today she nursed a LOT, like for maybe 2 hours just to suck.  She's not feeling well.  It completely relaxes her.  She doesn't bite at all, which is good, because it would be over if she did and she would... starve?  I don't know.  
  • She can say "mama," "dada," "dodden" which means dad and dog, "no" which is one of her favorite words, "hello" which sounds like "hi-ya!", sometimes she says "baby" or "hi-ya baby" and she babbles a lot.  Sometimes she does this singing thing that sounds like yodeling.  A lot of her babbling sounds French.
  • She likes to make farting noises or blow raspberries, whatever you call it.  The other day she let out some big toots and then made a farting noise with her mouth when she was done.  It was funny!  And the next day she pooped, and when she was done she clapped for herself.
  • She loves clapping for herself.  She does it for herself a lot... after she rolls a ball to us, when she climbs up or down a stair, after she accomplishes just about anything.  
  • She loves the Itsy Bitsy Spider song and always claps at the end.  She tries doing the spider motions with her fingers, adorable.
  • She's starting to be a big snuggle-bug.  Whenever she touches anything soft, a lot of times she'll lay down on it or rest her head on it and pet it.  She even did this to my laptop when we were Skyping with my parents tonight.  I always say, "Awwww" when she does it and she likes that.  She'll sit back up and then lean back down over and over again really fast just to hear me say "aww."
  • Now when I ask her for a hug, she'll walk over and give me one!  It is so sweet!!  She usually climbs into my lap, and rests her head on my shoulder too.  Sometimes she'll lean her face/cheeks to me so that I can give her kisses when I ask.
  • She loves being outside!  She especially loves the porch and deck at our house.  Today she went in and out of the sliding glass door and loved it.  When I was carrying her past the front door she whined and reached toward it to go outside.  It'll be a fun summer.  
  • She absolutely loves dogs.  She was trying to get a neighbor dog to chase her the other day... walking away from it and looking over her shoulder to try to lure it.
  • She loves it when I "chase" her too... I usually crawl behind her and say, "I'm gonna get you!" and she smiles and walks slowly away, looking over her shoulder, and sometimes she stops so that I can grab her and tickle her.  Love it.
  • On my birthday we took her to dinner with us.  She did not want to stay in the booth, but wanted to walk around the restaurant.  So now we know that if we really want to enjoy a meal, we need to get a baby sitter.
  • Her hair is getting longer.  She has a little bit of a baby-mullet, but her long hair has a wave to it that's pretty.  She pulls bows out of her hair almost immediately, so we don't do bows anymore.  I did put a piggy on top of her head the other day (pointed to the side) and that was really cute and makes her look like a little girl.
  • She loves making a surprised face.  She opens her mouth and her eyes wide and looks so surprised.  That always makes us laugh.  And she does it over and over again. When Mike and Cassandra were having their big divorce talk the other night, we sent Mike a picture of it while he was talking to her and we all laughed so hard.  
  • She loves stuffed animals and hugs them.
  • Jake noticed that she loves mechanical things.  She always tries to copy him when he's fixing something.  Loves to poke things into holes.  Loves opening and closing doors.
  • Likes being around other kids.
  • Tries to climb the back of the couch now to push the buttons on the thermostat.  Sometimes is able to do it successfully.
  • Can slide off our (tall) queen bed now on her belly.  She knows not to go near the edge otherwise and only fell off one time (and I felt horrible) months ago.  
  • Likes Emily and Mike.  One time Mike was visiting and she kept giving him hugs and cuddles and saying "dada."  I think she thought Mike was Jake.
  • At the carpet store the other day, Jake was at the front of the warehouse talking to the salesman and we were at the back.  She walked across the store to him, happily saying, "Dada!  Dodden!  Dada!" the whole time.  Once she got up to him she smiled, looked up to him, and said, "Dada!  Hi-ya!"
  • She hates it when I'm preparing dinner.  She whines and cries and pulls on my pants while I'm standing at the counter.  When I pick her up, she's happy, but then if I sent her back on the floor she cries like she is heartbroken.
  • She likes baths now.  When I try to take a shower during the day she stands outside of the tub and tries to climb in.  She likes walking around in there while I'm showering.  Doesn't really play when she's taking a bath though... doesn't splash a lot or play with toys.  Just sits there or likes to stand up.  I think she likes showers more.
  • Loves being naked.  She'll like summer.
  • She still loves climbing stairs.
  • Does pretty well with strangers, but sometimes gets shy/smiley and buries her head in my neck.
  • Generally loves being in primary with all the kids.
  • Is generally a really happy, quiet, peaceful baby.  People comment on that a lot, how well-behaved and laid-back she is.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My 24th Birthday

I am 24 today!  24-years-old!  That sounds so... old to me.  My mom was 24 when she had me.  It's been a good day so far!  It was cloudy and rainy for the first part of the day but it looks like the sun is coming out a little bit.  We stayed up too late last night (2am!) talking with Mike.  He and Cassandra had a "big" conversation last night about the divorce and he went into more detail about it and also had her read a few things.  She wanted to know if Mike could see things from Kalina's perspective.  For a few hours before they spoke, we talked with him and help him come up with a timeline. lol.  It felt like homework.  He went through soo much.  Last night was pretty draining for him, but it turned out great.  He wrote this last night afterwards:

overall, this went really well. Really really well.  Towards the end she kept saying things like, “I will take this, think about it, and see if there are other things I need to know.  But if you come up with things that you want to add, which you probably will, then feel free to do so at anytime.”  It felt like she was fishing for something.  So I asked her if she was and she said she wasn’t and finally she gave me some good and clear communication.  She said, “Mike, you went through a lot, and that is a lot to go through alone.  I want to lift some of the burden off of your shoulders.  And I don’t know if you see it yet or know exactly how it will turn out, but I’m sure that it’ll leave some scars and will cause you to act differently in some ways.  I want to know what those ways are.  I want to know what it is that you need as a result of this so that I can help you through it.”  That was awesome.  She is so sweet and caring.  And the fact that she recognizes that I will have different needs as a result of my divorce and wanting to know exactly what those are so she can be sensitive to/helpful with them is really touching.  I told her that I am over the divorce, that I didn’t go through it alone, and that I certainly do have some extra needs.  I talked about how I am apprehensive to share...because I'm always looking for an exit.  And it’s not that I can’t or don’t want to share, it’s just that I automatically question why it is I’m being questioned when someone is asking me for something.  And I said, “If you ask me something, and it’s pretty clear that I’m hesitant or looking for a way out, or if I give you a really vague response, it might help if you just say “you can have some more time to think about it if you’d like.”  She said that was a great idea.  So we then practiced it.  It was awesome.  It might seem a little insignificant, but it was actually really great.  And for her to express that she wants to work with me on my scars (as opposed to running away because scars are inherent) really meant a lot to me.  And it tells me that she is really serious about this.  So she proceeded to ask how this all affects my trust towards other people.  Not knowing exactly what to say, I gave it my best and shared with her that because I was abandoned and cheated on, it takes a little more for me to build trust with or feel trusting of other people.  I told her the best way to overcome that is by filling my love bucket :) I had to explain what that meant, because she hasn’t actually read the 5 love languages, she’s just heard a lot about it.  But I told her that I ultimately need more affirmation/reaffirmation in the filling of my love bucket.  I asked her what t is that helps her to feel loved in a relationship, or what I can do to help her feel loved.  She said that she’d think about it, because she isn't really sure, but also said that she is very receptive to the way that other people feel towards her, and because of that she can feel loved by many different means.  That’s a little confusing.  More to come on that I’m sure.
Previous to the above paragraph, but after we finished going through everything that we wanted to, she said “You really went through a lot.  I feel really bad for you and I feel really bad for Kalina too.  She has so many issues and must really struggle with a lot of things inside.  And it’s sad that she’s been dealing with them for so long.  I hope that she can overcome those problems and get the help that she needs.”  So, I supported what she said and told her “Yeah, she really has a lot that she deals with.  And it’s clear that she still does judging by the fact that she came to me bawling like she did, looking for forgiveness. She thought that leaving me would be the easiest way to abandon the awful way that she felt in our marriage, and I think that she is realizing she didn’t feel awful because of our marriage, but because of her past.  At some point she will have to forgive herself for the poor decision that she made in leaving me.  It was really hard to watch her make some of the decisions that she made.  She even expressed that she did some of the things that she did to try and get back at me.  But the truth is that they just hurt her more.  It was so sad to see my wife make such bad decisions and do things that would cause her much more pain than she was already dealing with.”
I’m getting sleepy now.  But that was pretty much the outcome of our conversation.  I thanked he rand further encouraged her to continue to ask me questions.  I told her that I appreciated her listening and being attentive.  Oh, I also said “There’s more stuff that I can share, but if you want more or less, just let me know.  And maybe the time will come when you will say ‘mike, I want to read everything that you ever wrote as you went through your divorce’ and at that time, I’ll let you see it all.  That’s just fine with me.”  She responded saying “Yeah, I think I’d actually be more inclined to tell you to just throw it all away, because you don’t need that stuff.  And it’s all in the past.  I’ll probably just tell you to burn it.  But you don’t need to do that yet.  We’ll see where this goes.”  I said “That’ll be just fine with me.  And FYI, I have already purged a lot of things from my apartment and my life, because they simply don’t mean anything to me, and I have no need for those things to be around.”  So, now she knows that I’m willing to throw that crap away and don’t feel a need to hold onto it.  At the very end, she said “thanks for talking with me.  It’s always nice to talk to you and you make me really happy...and that’s important.”
Awesome, right?

So, things are really starting to move forward.  And, what's more, they updated their relationship status on Facebook and really made things "official."  It's so funny.  Cassandra's Facebook has exploded...  lots of comments and 28 "likes."  

Anyway.  My birthday.  I was super tired when Lila and I got up at around 8.  But I was happily surprised and delighted to see that Jake had left post-it notes with happy birthday messages all over the apartment for me to find.  It was really cute and a very sweet gesture, and means more to me than a birthday present, really.  We met Jake at noon at the carpet shop.  While we were talking to Mike last night he did some research on the carpet we were planning on getting and found out that it's actually Polyester, not this other Nylon-ish material that we were told.  So, you can imagine how Jake reacted... :)  Not angry or anything, but he just gets really... anxious about purchases like this.  We ended up going back with Migala's for $6400.  He was pretty "nervous" about it, but it helped that I had a calm attitude about it.  So, that's that.  They'll start installing it tomorrow and should be done by the end of the day on Thursday.

After that, we went to Culver's for my birthday lunch.  Then Jake stopped at the house to pay Dave, the carpenter, whom we have nicknamed David the Gnome.  He's short and stout and has a beard, not what we were expecting.  Lila and I went back to the apartment.  She fell asleep just as we got to the complex, but stayed asleep as I brought her inside.  And her birthday present to me was letting me take a 2 hour nap with her.  It was beautiful.

After that we waited around for Jake to get home.  Poor Lila fell and hit her face on a box on the way down, so now she has a bruise and a goose egg between her eyes!  It was so sad!  I feel so bad.  Poor baby!  I put a little pigtail on the top of her head today, and that was adorable.  She kind of has a baby mullet going on, but her hair is starting to have a wave in it, which is super cute.

Jake got stuck waiting for a funeral procession on his way home from work.  A police officer was killed here recently; the first ever to be killed in Kalamazoo.  Today was his funeral.  Jake was really tired/stressed and wanted to get home to take me to dinner, so he was pretty cranky about it.  I told him that I'd rather him be stuck in traffic than be the one in the casket, so to relax.

We went to Finlay's, because you get a free $11 meal there if it's your birthday.  Lila was a complete tyrant though.  She didn't want to sit in the booth, she wanted to walk all over the restaurant.  So there was lots of whining and yelping, and when we put her in the booth, she tried to climb over us to get to the floor.  And then she fell and hit her head again while walking, so we eventually packed up our food and left.  lol.  We totally should've gotten a babysitter.  

After that we went to the house to sweep the floors in prep for the carpet installation.  The sun came out which was nice for me.  On the way home stopped for a Culver's sundae that I had a coupon for.  Mike called to chat as Jake and Lila were getting ready for bed.  Got off the phone with Mike so that Jake and Lila could go to bed, and Dan called to talk about his issues. lol.  Dan actually sounded great.  He's completely through with Kelsey and is actually planning on moving back to Ironwood to live with his folks.  He's feeling very stuck in Midland... working for Jimmy John's.  Wants to go to college so that he can get a good job.  He originally called to wish me happy birthday, actually, which was really sweet... told me he thought I'd appreciate hearing from my favorite brother-in-law.  Got lots of Facebook birthday wishes today, some phone calls and emails.  Good day.

Jake and Lila are sleeping.  Jake was so tired.  There's a lot of stress at work right now, on top of everything else going on.  Now I'm IM-ing with Mike and Emily.  Will head to bed soon.

Easter Weekend

The days go by so quickly, but the week seems to be so long.  We've only had the house for only a week and a few days, but it feels like it's been a long time because we've gotten a lot accomplished.

Saturday morning, Lila woke up a little too early for my taste.  Jake woke me up at 8:50 (yeah, I got a little spoiled and slept in) to ask if I wanted to go to Meijer with them.  Yup, I did.  So we got some groceries and boxes, and then headed to Walmart to get a hose and some other things for the house.  Jake dropped us off at the apartment and headed to Lowe's, Menard's, and Sherman-William's to find sealer for the cement floor in the basement.  He definitely is a shop-around kind of guy.  While he was out, Lila and I Skyped with my mom for a while, which was fun, and then she took a nap.  When she got up, we headed to the house.  It was such a nice day out!  Sunny and warm with a nice breeze.  I loved it.

At the house, we cleaned for a while and Jake tried out the power-washer he's borrowing from Mike.  The house is very dirty, not a surprise.  He's going to wait for a sunnier day soon to do it; he started pretty late in the afternoon and wants to start early one morning.  Lila and I had fun playing on the porch and walking around the yard.  She loves being outside.  We had all the windows open in the house and it was just so pleasant.  That's something I've been looking forward to for years--Saturdays at my own house with the windows open and a cool breeze.  There's so much sunshine in the house too because of all the windows.  Love it.

Lila started getting cranky, and I did too a little bit (was getting hungry), so at around 5 we drove to Walmart for some things and for dinner.  I was hoping that Lila would fall asleep in the car, but she didn't.  Shortly after getting back to the house, Jim, Angela, and little Emily arrived to help out.  Jim and Jake sealed the basement floors--that didn't take too long--while Angela, Emily, Lila and I played.  Emily, L, and I played in the backyard.  L laughed at Emily while she was running around, and she also loved climbing up the stairs on the deck.  It was really nice having some company there for Lila... who otherwise gets pretty bored and cranky.  Just as Jake and Jim were finishing up, Mike and Cassandra stopped by.  He said he had a great day on Saturday with her and her family... saw a lot of things he needed to see (interactions with C and her sisters... she "picked a fight" with Savannah, who's really bratty), cooked in the kitchen with her family, talked about important things, etc.  It was nice seeing Cassandra and seeing them together.  She really loves Lila and is good with her too.  She and Mike drove over to Holland on Thursday night to have dinner with Jim, Angela, and Emily.  Emily really likes Cassandra; C had french-braided Emily's hair on Thursday night and on Saturday night she still had the braids in because she loved them so much.  Some neighbors walked by with their dogs and Lila had a blast playing with the dog while Jake visited with them.  Their dog's name is Rudy :)  They apologized when Jake told them that his wife's name was Rudi, lol.  Very fun.  Looking forward to many fun nights there this summer.

We didn't get home till late, after 9:00 and Lila didn't get to bed till after 10, poor girl.  Jake and I stayed up later than we should have, watching an episode of Parks and Rec.

Easter Sunday was good.  Lila usually makes it through the first half of Sacrament Meeting pretty well but then needs to be taken out to the foyer for the rest of the meeting.  She was crankier than usual because she'd gotten to bed so late the night before.  But she sure had a blast walking around the foyer.  I went out there to check on them after a choir performance.  Lots of people (parents with children, etc) were going in and out of the door.  I'm walking towards the door and in front of me I see a little blond girl in a blue dress walking back out the door (it was open) and I think, "That looks a lot like Lila."  And it was Lila!  I follow her out to the foyer and see Jake sitting on the couch, visiting with Kevin Wesel, and he didn't even realize that she'd gone back into the chapel! lol.  She had fun walking around with Jarom and Waylon.

Primary was crazy.  Holly (president) was gone again (I've only seen her once in the past three months!) and all of the senior primary teachers were gone.  So there was a lot of scrambling to find last-minute subs but it all worked out.  Melissa showed the movie "The Lamb of God" for sharing time.  Preston and Annette weren't in church--she was in labor on Saturday night so we're all assuming that they had the baby!  Jake spent 2nd hour walking in circles around the high council room table with Lila in the Ergo until she fell asleep. :)  She woke up as 3rd hour (EQ) was starting.

After church we went to the nursing home to visit John.  Lila is so funny there.  Whenever I carry her around to talk to some of the old ladies (one of them in particular is so in love with Lila), she always buries her face in my neck.  It was another nice day out, sunny and warm.

We had lunch at home and then headed to the house.  Lila fell asleep on the way there and slept for an hour in her car seat in the garage :)  So Jake and I were able to get some good cleaning done.  When she woke up, Jake power-washed the front porch and I spent time with Lila out in the yard.  Emily called and I invited her to come over.  She's excited because more cute guys were at church this week, including a really handsome pre-med student named Nathaniel who showed a lot of interest in her.  As in, he gave her a big hug after church and asked if she wanted to hang out the next day (today).  She said that after church, it was like the scene from Gone with the Wind where Scarlett is surrounded by all those men--she was surrounded by all these guys and she kept thinking of the scripture about tithing... how the windows of heaven will be opened and the blessings of heaven will be poured out. lol.  We sat on the back deck and visited and Lila played around.

Shortly after Emily left, we finished our cleaning, and then took Lila for a little walk around the neighborhood.  It was so nice. :)  I've always loved going for walks with Jake, and now we have our very own neighborhood to walk in with our baby.  It's very quiet and peaceful.  We passed a guy running barefoot a few times, and I nicknamed him Barry (Barefoot Barry).  We're so excited to move in on Saturday.

Got home at 7:30 and Mike arrived shortly after that.  Jake make chocolate chip cookies and Mike filled us in on developments with Cassandra.  She told him that she wants to get "more serious" with him, and that she's never been very comfortable bringing guys to her house and spending time with them and her family, but that she feels very comfortable with Mike there.  Talked about intimacy in marriage, birth control, timing of children.  She wants to start having children immediately, while he thinks it might be better to wait a little while, even just a few months.  Eventually, Jessica called and I was so excited to talk to her.  She told me her birth story (crazy) and that things were going really well.  She posted new pictures on Saturday that I just adore.  She looks so great (doesn't look at all like she had a baby five days ago!) and Audrey is doing well.  Sigh.  So happy for them.  I looked through old pictures of Jess on Facebook a few days ago and miss her so much.  What a fun, loving, happy person.  She's going to be a wonderful mother.  Our conversation wrapped up when Lila started crying, ready for bed, it was after 9:00, and she puked all over.  Lila didn't have a great night.  Must still be not feeling well.

After Lila went to bed, we visited with Mike till 11pm.  He told us something that he really didn't want to tell us.  On Thursday night, Cassandra told him that she'd like to talk to Kalina, and that she really feels like she needs to.  This has been really stressful for Mike, needless to say, lol.  He's talked with Dad and his favorite mission companion/buddy Bradley Eustice about it, and then Mom called him all fired up, and everyone's opinion is that it is not a good idea.  Mike talked a long time about why... how he doesn't want Kalina to be a part of their relationship, he's been working so hard at keeping her out of his life, etc.  Cassandra wants to sit down and like ask Kalina questions.  C said that she still doesn't really know what she'd ask or how it would all play out, but that it's been something she's been thinking of.  So then Jake and I told Mike that he needs to tell her everything.  Up to now, he's given her a general overview of what happened, mentioned some specifics, but there are a lot of gaps in the story that he needs to fill in.  I suggested letting Cassandra read some excerpts of his journal and emails that he wrote and the email that Kalina wrote to him.  He thought that was a good idea.

Friday, April 22, 2011


Lila went to bed very easily on Wednesday night, without any fussing at all, which is awesome.  I'm guessing that the Ibuprofen helped a lot!  I spent the evening helping Jake with some reports he needed to make for work.  Mike stopped by for a few minutes before heading to Cassandra's.

Thursday, Lila was ready for a nap by 11:00.  At 12:30 I walked into the room to check on her, and accidentally stepped on her doll, which started talking.  Woops.  It woke her up; she sat up and started rubbing her eyes and so I started talking to her.  I laid down next to her.  She laid her head on my chest and fell back asleep until 1:40!  Woohoo!  I love it when she has long naps.  She was giggling, talking, and smiling in her sleep too.  "Duckadin, duckadin."  One of her favorite things to say.

When Jake got home from work, he had an over-the-phone stake presidency meeting.  Lila was acting tired so I tried putting her to bed, but she didn't want to go to bed and then pooped, so I let her wander around and play for a while.  She luckily was asleep before The Office started at 9.  Michael Scott only has one more episode left on the show!

Friday was more of the same.  Packing, Lila napping, and staying inside because it was cold and rainy again.  Jake did a lot of driving around to get things done on the house and tried to squeeze work in as much as he could.  When he got home, I made a quick dinner and we brought the trailer back to the Lillroses.  He got rid of the carpet and padding for $100 earlier that day.  And then we went to the house, our house, and did some cleaning up.  When Lila got cranky, we left for home and hauled the cat peed-on wood with us to put in the dumpster at the apartment.  Got Lila to bed and then Jake worked for a while while I hung out by myself.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Lots of Crying, Money, Progress

Last night was rough.  Jake got home and we enjoyed some time together before bed.  He had so much help at the house that it only took 1.5 hours to get all the upstairs subfloor and damaged baseboards sealed.  When we headed to bed, Lila woke up and another crying-fest began.  Sigh.  It was bad.  Thirty minutes in, I pulled the covers over my head and started crying myself, lol.  So Jake took her into her room and she cried and cried there.  I eventually went in and got her and she fell asleep, eventually.  Garrr.

I had to wake up earlier than I wanted to because a carpet guy came over at 7:30 to show us samples.  He was referred to us by one of the restoration companies.  We will be getting the carpet from him.  He's giving us a pretty good deal on good carpet.  We went into this wanting to spend just $5000 on carpet and installation.  Migalda's would've been $6000.  This guy can get it to us for $5034.  Woohoo!  So, that's great.  Here's where we're at:
  • On Friday, Servpro is coming over to steam clean our cement basement floors. $250. 
  • He'll also have to bring the old carpet/padding to the dump.  It could cost up to around $100.
  • On Monday, Jake will seal the basement floors. (Jake spent $160 at Lowe's last night on supplies to do the upstairs floors.  He'll have to purchase additional sealant for the basement.)
  • On Monday, Modernistic will be cleaning the air ducts.  $350.
  • Hopefully, sometime before Wednesday, an independent contractor will replace the peed-on OSB floor. ~$350. 
  • Wednesday, the carpet will be installed. $5034.
Jake and I are so, so excited to have the carpets installed and to move in. :)

This morning after Jake left, Lila had another cry-fest.  She was exhausted but would get so upset when I tried to lay her in bed or to rock her in the chair.  So after I almost burst into tears again, I said a prayer that Lila would calm down and fall asleep and that I would have the Spirit with me and be patient with her.  During the cry-fest, I called the doctor to make an appointment because I wanted to make sure she didn't have an ear infection.  They fit me in at 11:20.  So I walked her around her room for a while and talked to her.  I was holding her against me in a hug like way, like she would be in an Ergo, and she fell asleep with her head on my shoulder, which had her brown/pink fuzzy blanket on it.  Cute.  But every time I tried to sit down in the chair with her, she woke up and cried.  So eventually I laid down with her in bed without her waking up.

I hated to wake her up, because she was out cold, but I did at around 10:50.  At that time, Kari and Hayden stopped by, unannounced, to pick up her breast pump.  She offered to help Friday and/or Saturday.  I finally hauled my baby and diaper bag out to the car and realized that I forgot Lila's shoes (awesome), so had to go back.  It was cold, rainy, and windy.  Got to the appointment 10 minutes late, but no one was rude to me about it or even realized. :)  Lila was really happy when we got there, especially to see the fish tank.  She hated the actual appointment, as usual.  She weighs 30 lbs.  She does not have an ear infection.  Just fluid in her ears.  Doc recommended using infant Ibuprofen instead of Tylenol.  I always feel a little lame when that happens, but now I know.

After that we headed to pick up two stools for our kitchen from Craigslist for $40.  They're perfect.  Headed to the house, ate lunch.  Emily arrived.  We cleaned only for a little bit.  The cleaning party ended when Emily was cleaning the bathroom... she started with a bleach/water solution, and then I heard her spraying something, so I asked her what it was, and it had ammonia in it.  Bleach and ammonia make toxic fumes if mixed together.  So, I kind of scolded her for that, Lila was in the room with her, and she left shortly after that, lol.  Oh well.  I cleaned off the washer and dryer.  Who knew that a washer could be so filthy?  Lila was pretty cranky by the time we left and fell asleep, so I headed to Meijer.  We got some groceries when she woke up.  She was happy at home.  Jake got home and I made dinner.

Oh, I opened the present that Jess sent for Lila's first birthday.  It is amazing.  She found two children's books whose main characters' names are Lila:  Lila Pirate and Lila Ladybird.  She sent those.  And then she also painted the covers onto canvases to hang in Lila's room!  They're awesome! 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Busy Days

Ok.  Yesterday started out crummy but got better.  Lila woke up cranky and crying as Jake was leaving for work.  She let me rock her in her chair for a while, quite a while actually, just quietly laying there.  When she was sleepy, I took her back to bed and she fell asleep, and slept till 10:15.  Which was awesome.  It took us a while to get going after she got up, though.  She was still cranky/sick and I didn't know what to do.  That's how I feel a lot lately, like I don't know what to do.  Because there's so much to do.

At around lunchtime, I decided to go to downtown to the City building to get the water put in our name.  I was shocked when I looked outside and saw SNOW!  Just a week ago it was 85 degrees!!  So I bundled us up and headed downtown.  I parked and walked around in the cold and wind for a while with my poor girl and finally found the building.  I was super, super cranky and angry walking around in the cold, pushing my sick baby around trying to find the building.  It certainly did not help that I was also hungry, because Hungry Rudi is Angry Rudi.  Thankfully, there wasn't a line or any glitches and we got our business taken care of pretty quickly.  Loaded the kid back into the car and met Jake at a carpet store.  The carpet they have in stock is a lot nicer than the stuff they have at Lowe's.  It's also almost $3K more expensive... which sucks... but, we don't want to have cheapy carpet that won't last as long and doesn't feel good on our feet.  We found some reasonably priced carpet that would work but still have a little more shopping around to do.  It's the carpet installation that is super expensive.  At Lowe's it's $97 for the whole house, or it's free if you buy Stainmaster carpet.  At this place, Migalda's, it's over $1000.  Lila had fun walking around the store.  Both Jake and I remember loving carpet stores when we were little.

After that, I picked Emily up and we headed over to the house and Lila slept in the car.  Emily was excited because there were like 6 cute guys from Utah at church on Sunday and they'll all be here for the summer (selling alarm systems).  And she got a letter from Shane that was really nice.  So we spent the afternoon cleaning the kitchen, and it didn't go horribly, considering it's usually pretty difficult to get things done with Lila around (she usually wants all of Mom's attention).  It would be easier if there was carpet in the house, because then she'd be free to roam around, but she's stuck in the kitchen (because of all the tack-strip... she's already been poked a few times).  We got a lot done and it felt so good!  The exterior of the stove looks awesome, still need to clean the oven, but hallelujah, it's self-cleaning.  We cleaned half of the cupboards, which were filthy.  I seriously don't understand the people who owned the house!!  It was really nice having Emily's help and company.  She's a good cleaner.  We had Stanley Steemer come to give an estimate to clean the air ducts, a restoration company to give an estimate to clean the OSB the cats peed on and the basement, and a carpet installer to measure the floors.  Jim (Betzold) also stopped by to pick up Angela's glasses that she forgot on Saturday night.  He said that both and Angela forgot to pick little Emily up at school again that day.  Again?!  Oh, Jim.

We eventually headed to Walmart to pick up more cleaning supplies.  When we got home, Jake was there too.  Emily and I managed to clean a little bit more while Jake ate his dinner with Lila.  (We are living on fast food these days, it's awful.)  Mike was over helping Jake remove tack-strip from the cement floor in the basement--not an easy job, as it was nailed in.  Jake spent some time in the garage on a business call too.  I guess it was too noisy inside.  So, eventually I had to leave because Lila was getting to be too cranky; I dropped Emily off at home. 

Lila is so much happier at the apartment.  More relaxed and content and doesn't need my attention all the time.  Hopefully it helps when all of our stuff is at the house and there's new carpet and she's free to roam.  Our night was ok.  Not long after I got her ready for bed and nursed her for a while, she puked twice all over my bed.  Very messy.  And she was really happy after that.  So she got to play in my room a while longer while I cleaned everything up.  And she went to bed pretty easily after that.

Jake got home around 10 or a little after, I think.  Tons of people showed up to help, which is amazing and wonderful and a huge blessing: Joe and Becca Burkhead; Nick, Juliet, and Brice Altman and Juliet's two brothers; Mike, Cassandra, and Sammi showed up and then her mom, Jason, and Savannah also came.  So they got all of the staples pulled out and all of the floors swept and cleared.  Amazing.  Jake was so grateful.

So, he and I got to spend a little time together before bed.  It's really nice that we've been able to see each other during the day, otherwise I'd be having a harder time with this.  But it's good to know that we're both working very hard to get ready for our house and supporting each other along the way.  I'm so, so excited to move in and having the carpet installed and to just be there, together, all the time... instead of me and Lila here and him there.  I'm sure it'll be wonderful and worth it.  This is sure exhausting.  Jake wrote this to me in an email today: Thanks so much for your hard work in this transition into our new house.  We are going to have a great little home to grow our family in!  I'm so excited to do this together.

Today, I got up out of bed even though I didn't want to.  I asked Jake to bring all the laundry (lots of it, due to Lila's puking before bed) to the house.  He was thinking he needed to be there at 9am for a quote from another restoration company.  Lila got up a little after 8.  Jake called to let me know that the people were actually coming at 11, not 9, and asked if I could be there.  After a relaxing breakfast, Lila and I took a shower.  I started in the shower by myself, hoping that I could enjoy a nice, hot one before I brought Lila in... but her thing now is standing at the edge of the tub, trying to reach the faucet, and she tried to climb in, so I just brought her in and she liked that.

So, we got an estimate from these guys, and shortly after that, Jake got done with his meeting and drove over to the house.  He came in, I started a load of laundry in my awesome new (to me) washer.  You can fit so much in there!  (It's just an average full-sized one, but in my apartment, we have a mini stackable washer/dryer... and you can't run both at the same time, so it takes twice as long to do laundry.)  I'm pretty excited about having a full-size W&D again, and to be able to wash and dry at the same time... though I'm looking forward to hanging out my laundry on a clothesline this summer.  I have so many memories of doing that as a child, I'm excited to do it at my own house.

We went to another carpet store and Lila fell asleep on the way there.  Jake went in but they didn't have anything good.  So we got more fast food (Taco Bell) and ate in the car while Lila slept.  After he left, I quickly vacuumed all the OSB flooring and then another guy came over to give us a quote.   Lila was real cranky by the time we left, but didn't fall asleep on the way home.  We played and played and she did well, was happy to be home.  We had mac & cheese for dinner and Lila actually likes (trying to eat) it.  Jake called a bunch of times en route to and while at Lowe's.  (I have a feeling we'll be practically living at Lowe's/Home Depot/Menard's soon.)  Mike called to ask about stovetop popcorn while Lila was having a meltdown.  Jess texted to tell me she's been meaning to call but hasn't had a good block of time to (the woman just had a baby 2 days ago!!) and to tell me her milk came in and ask for advice to avoid getting engorged.  Lila fell asleep nursing in my arms at 5:30.  She hasn't done that in a long time.  We were even in the living room and the TV was on.  She was exhausted.  So I put her in bed and she woke up at 6:20 screaming and crying inconsolably again.  I just don't know what's wrong.  If she's not better by Friday I will take her in.  Anyway, lots of crying.  I brought her into the living room and we watched videos of her on my Facebook and she liked that but then cried some more.  Finally she calmed down enough to nurse and fell asleep doing that in the rocking chair, but it took her a long time to fall asleep.  So then I brought her into bed, and she woke up and then nursed some more, she sat up, and then fell asleep with her head on my chest.  Adorable.  So I just laid there for a while and soaked it in and kissed her sweet forehead.  I love my sweet, sweet baby girl.  But then she woke up again when I tried to lay her down so I had to nurse her some more.  She... is nursing a lot lately.  Not eating much food at all. 

So now I'm chatting with Jake on the phone.  He's done and cleaning up and will head home soon.

Texts From Mike

Last night went well.  We didn't have time to talk about NY.  But we'll do that tonight.  We did do one of those determine the relationship things last night.  It was awkward but fun.  That's how I like it.  She wanted to know where I see this going.  Then she told me where she sees it going.  She wants to spend as much time as possible with me this week.  She still talks about Toronto like it's not optional.  She's also really worried about being in a long distance relationship, because that didn't work out too well  for her with that first boyfriend, Curtis.  So, tonight will be awesome.  I'm going to talk to her about how awkward it felt when she invited Nick to draw on her arm.  I'll also share some thoughts I've had about our relationship and where it's going.  I think it will be beneficial if I take my guard down a little bit and start letting her know how I really feel.

I said, "I really like you, it's been great getting to know you, and I want to continue getting to know you.  While the future is dependent upon getting to know you more, I think it's really possible and really likely that we'll end up married."  Then she said, "This is a really awkward time to have a cough drop in my mouth."  Haha.  She probably wanted to make out right then.  But that didn't happen.  Eventually, in response to what I shared, she said, "I really like you, and I think it's really possible that we'll end up married, but I'm not prepared to say 'really likely' at this time because I just don't know yet."

Later I told her, "I said 'likely' because I could."  Then I swiftly changed the subject so that she couldn't respond, but can now spend some time thinking about what I said.  I think she just hasn't had confirmation from the spirit yet.  She also said she needs to see me with my parents.  She wants to see how we interact.  I said, "Yeah you do!" lol.  I don't think she has any idea how good my relationship with my parents is.  Maybe it will make her feel a little insecure.  I doubt it.  She will probably envy that relationship since her parents don't show a lot of affection or whatever and her mom makes things uncomfortable.  Then she said she also needs to see me angry/stressed.  I laughed and joked about that one for a little bit.  I've got things pretty well figured out though.  So, I'm looking forward to tonight.

Is it weird that she and I don't say "I love you yet?"  I wonder when that'll happen.  I can control myself pretty well though.  Which is to say that I could totally resist saying it for a long time.  But I don't think I will resist.  I will give in soon. Lol.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Audrey Jill Fisher

This seems oddly familiar... I'm at home, Lila's sleeping, and Jake is at our house working on the floors. :)

Jake didn't get home till around 1:30 last night, but he and Jim got all the carpeting and padding torn off!  I was surprised--I thought it would take a lot longer.  AND, Angela was amazing and cleaned out my fridge and cabinets for me!  The fridge was really gross, so I'm pretty thrilled about this, and so grateful too.  She's awesome.

We were late for church this morning, unsurprisingly.  Church is hard these days, with a walking, 30 lb. baby who's too young for nursery.  She was really tired and cranky at church.  Primary was weird.  We haven't had regular church the past 2 weeks, and I was there the week before that.  I hadn't seen Holly, the president, in seriously 2 months and she's going to be gone the next 2 Sundays too.  Rachel is the RS president now so there's only one counselor (Melissa) and she wasn't there today!  And I was out in the hall with Lila for most of Primary.

Things worked out well though.  I talked with Cassandra's mom, Annette, for a while.  She'd heard that we got the house and asked about that.  I told her about the carpets, and she said that she'd possibly like to use some of it for gardening... if you spread out a bunch of carpet on your yard/garden, it will obviously kill all of the weeds underneath it because they don't get sunlight.  You can also cut holes in it to grow plants.  Apparently, Jake's mom did this in Petoskey for a few years.  I told her that Jake's brother helped him rip out the carpets last night and she asked, "Oh, was it Mike?  No, wait, he was with Cassandra last night."  Jake also talked to Cassandra's Dad, Kirk, about using their trailer to haul the carpet out to the dump.

Lila fell asleep almost instantly on the way home, so we sat in the car in the parking lot for a while so she could sleep.  Once she woke up, we quickly changed and packed food for lunch and headed off.  We picked up a tool from Quentin Hunt and then drove to the Lillrose's (Cassandra's family) to get the trailer.  We went in and visited with Kirk and Annette for a while.  She was excited/impressed that Lori had done the carpet gardening thing.  Lila liked their cats.  Annette was excited that we'll live so close.  She said, "Yay, now we're neighbors!"  And she wants to come over to see the house.

When we got to the house, Mike was there.  He helped Jake load carpet onto the trailer.  We cleaned a little bit and pulled staples out from the floor (there's a lot of that to do).  But eventually it got too hard with Lila so we dropped the trailer back off at the Lillrose's and headed home.  Lila fell asleep just as we pulled into the complex.  She stayed asleep as we took her out and into the apartment and napped for a while.  We had dinner and got Lila ready for bed, but she cried a lot like she has been the past few nights.  I don't know what the deal is... she has a bit of a cold and her molars must be super painful, but she's just never cried like this before.  Anyway, it's not too awful.  I finally ended up rocking her to sleep again and she seems to really like that.  She just lays there quietly and peacefully.

Mike called after Lila went down to chat.  Looks like Cassandra will be coming to Ironwood with all of us for the 4th!  I'm so excited and so is he, obviously.  She tentatively had a family reunion of her own that week, but it's not till the 8-9th.  They've had a lot of fun this weekend.  They talked about how she's uncomfortable being affectionate in public.  Mike asked if her parents were ever affectionate with each other at home and she said that they weren't, and she knows that has a lot to do with it.  She also said that she has so much on her mind lately, about the future, where they're going, etc, but they didn't really go into detail about it.  Mike's going to ask her about it later this week.  Here are some texts from him --

Made out in the compressor building last night.  [At his work.] It was awesome. :)  I totally accomplished my goal.

We went to my place.  There wasn't enough time to watch a movie.  But we sat on the couch, she put her head in my lap.  So I just played with her hair for a bit.  Then when it was time to go we started making out and it was awesome!  Then we stopped and she looked me in the eyes and said, "Why do we live so far apart?"  It wasn't intended to be answered.  She just wants to be romantic with me more.  Probably.  Then I said, "Well, I'm really happy that you're home this week.  It's nice to have you so close."  So then we were getting to my truck to leave and she was cold, exclaimed that she wished she had a blanket.  So I grabbed my blanket from you guys out of the Sequoia.  She loved it and talked about how soft it was.  Nice work. :)

So, there were some interesting things said on Friday night.  She was like, "Ahh, there's just so much on my mind.  What to do with school, where I go next in life, what is going to be with our relationship and us.  I need to figure some of these things out by the end of the week."  That's not an exact quote, but pretty close.  Then she said, "When I went to New York, there were things that I thought I wanted to do that I realize I don't want to do at all.  And there are also things I didn't expect I wanted to do that now I really want to do."  So.  I don't know what that means.  Will have to find out.

Oh, and the BIG NEWS of the day -- Jessica had her baby!!!!!! :)  I'm so happy and excited for her!!!!!!  Here's an email I got --

Audrey Jill Fisher was born today at 5:30am. She has a full head of beautiful dark hair to match her mom, and her daddy's cleft chin weighing in at 8 lbs 6 oz, and 21.5 inches long. She has quite a personality already and is excited to meet all of her cousins! :) Jessica was quite a trooper and delivered her without any medications after about 10 hours of labor at the birthing center, coached by her excellent strong man--most of it in the dark without power due to a heavy thunderstorm.....just our luck! We are thrilled to be parents--it still feels surreal. Both baby and mom are doing well. We were able to come home from the birthing center about 6 hours after baby Audrey was born.

-Jason, Jessica & Audrey

Can you imagine going through labor without electricity?!  It's a good thing she was planning on a natural birth.   I'm just thrilled.  Audrey is just gorgeous.  Looks a lot like Lila actually.  Almost exactly the same size as Lila too... the only difference is Lila was 8lbs 8oz.  So, she's finally here and my dear friend is finally a mom.  She was 12 days overdue.  I found out this morning at church, I saw on Facebook that Lindsay had posted a congrats on her wall.  And then after church she texted me a picture and said she was doing ok, but was pretty traumatized by the birth.  I just love her and I'm so excited to meet this little girl.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Sometimes I just can't believe how crazy/busy/grown-up my life is. :)

Wednesday, Emily came over in the afternoon and we took Lila for a walk to one of the parks by the lake we live by.  Probably the only nice thing about living in this apartment is the easy access to the walking trail and the parks.  Lila seemed to enjoy walking around the park and exploring, and we had fun taking pictures and playing on the playground too.  I can't believe that I have a kid that I can take to the park now. :)  It's so much fun.  Em didn't stay too long in the afternoon.  Jake had been in Warsaw, IN for the second Wednesday in a row.  He got back to Kalamazoo around 4:30, but instead of coming home, went to a vigil volunteer training for hospice.  A vigil volunteer is someone who stays with the family/patient as they are dying.  He didn't get home from that till 6:30 or so, and was supposed to go on splits with the missionaries at 7.  By the time he was on his way home, I was in tears, lol.  I was so worn-out from the past three days (he hadn't been around much to help, and Lila has been so much more cranky than usual lately).  But, the appointments with the missionaries had fallen through so he ended up not having to go on splits, and I was so, so relieved and grateful.  I took a nice, hot shower by myself and that was very relaxing.  We went for a little walk outside with Lila before bed.  As Lila was falling asleep, I could have fallen asleep too.  I was so tired and relaxed.  But Jake suggested watching our Netflix movie, Temple Grandin.  It was so good, we both really enjoyed it, but we didn't get to bed till after midnight, I think, and I was so tired.

Thursday afternoon, Lila and I ran errands.  We went to Old Navy; I had a $10 gift card.  She had a blast walking around the store.  I bought a cardigan and a skirt, but I'm going to return the skirt.  I've been doing that so often lately, buying things I really like but don't really need, and then feeling guilty and returning them. lol.  Oh well.  We then went to Marshall Music to pick up an A string for my violin; my old one broke.  And we also went to Home Depot to pick up Martha Steward paint samples.  When Jake got up, we started getting Lila ready to go so that we could go to Menards to pick up some things for repairs Jake wanted to make immediately on Friday after we closed, when there was a knock at the door.  I opened it, didn't see anyone, and then I see Brady, Kelsey, and Cooper hiding off to the side! :)  It was pretty funny and really awesome!  They were in town for the weekend for Kelsey's grandpa's funeral.  They had just gotten into town.  So that was really fun, getting to visit with them.  After that, we did go to Menard's.  Lila was in bed in time for Jake and I to watch The Office.  Lila had a rough night.  She woke up in the middle of the night with a little fever, so I took them off and she slept in just her diaper pretty well after that.  It was really adorable, having her little (chubby) naked body cuddled up next to me.  She's so sweet. 

Friday (I can't believe it was just yesterday, it feels like it was so much longer ago) was a big day!  At 11:00 we had our final walk-through of the house.  I picked Jake up and we, obviously, walked through the house.  I hadn't seen Rich in a long time.  He said everything was all set for closing.  He gave us some tips, like to seal the cement floor in the storage rooms.  It was so nice seeing the place empty of all the owners' furniture, but they sure left it dirty for us. :\  After that, we drove around while Lila was sleeping.  We went to the bank to get a cashier's check for our closing money, got lunch, stopped to get infant Tylenol for Lila.  She didn't feel good on Friday. :(  Her eyes were kind of glazed over all day, it was really sad.  Dropped Jake off at work and then went home, read with Lila a little, and she took another nap.  After she had fallen asleep, she turned on her side and I spooned her, it was adorable.  I could feel myself falling asleep, and I was so grateful that I woke up when I did, at 2:20, because closing was at 3.  I rushed around and got everything ready and as I was walking out to the car (lugging both Lila and the pac-n-play) Mike was walking towards us!  Woohoo!  He followed me to the real estate office to watch Lila while we were signing papers.  (I thought she'd be a terror, seeing as she didn't feel well.)  The signing went well and didn't feel nearly as monumental as I thought it would.  Lila actually did great, she was in the best mood she'd been in all day.  It was nice having Mike there to help though.  Sharon Waldecki, our loan officer, came and brought us an Easter lilly, which I thought was nice.  Closing took an hour, and then we all headed to the house and got right to work.

I got there a little before Jake did and pulled into my garage :)  Lila just loves the house.  She walks around and laughs and talks to herself.  Jake got there and I happily got to welcome him "home" for the first time.  He and Mike went onto the roof to seal the vents with caulk and then replaced the wax seal under the guest bath toilet.  I spent the next few hours vacuuming all of the carpets.  It's just really disgusting how filthy the previous owners were.  I had to empty the vacuum 5-6 times and I'm sure if I re-vacuumed the rooms I'd get even more (I love that Dyson!).  I didn't even attempt to tackle to kitchen... all of the appliances are filthy.  Brady, Kelsey, and Cooper stopped by to see the place.  I'm glad that it worked out for them to see it while they were here!  Finally, at around 7 we headed home to put Lila to bed. We had a rough time putting her to bed though.  She cried and cried and eventually puked all over the floor.  And then she had diarrhea.  Poor girl.  She finally got to sleep at around 9:20.

I forget what caused us to head in this direction, but once we were home realized that it might be best to just replace all of the carpets instead of just getting them steamed.  While we were there we noticed some stains from cat urine, some of them pretty bad.  So Jake did some research and decided that this was pretty much what we needed to do.  Brady, Kelsey, and Cooper came over and Cooper was already asleep.  Brady and Jake headed off to the house do some inspecting.  They picked up a black light from Walmart and marked all the spots on the carpet where there was pee with spray paint (and Brady accidentally sprayed a door in the master bedroom, which I think is funny), but they eventually stopped because there was stuff everywhere.  The worst was in the master bedroom and in the basement.  In the master, it's so bad that the wood underneath is rotting and the tack-board is rusted.  They tore it up.  And it smells so bad.  It's really bad in the basement too, but there is cement floor underneath.  So, yup. 

Kelsey and I got to visit while they were gone and that was nice.  Talked about pregnancy and babies, mostly. :)  Lila woke up crying inconsolably, sounded like she was in pain.  I wasn't able to soothe her (which is really strange!) so I took her out to the living room and she calmed down well.  She looked so, so miserable though.  I was afraid to give her more Tylenol because I didn't want her to throw it up again and her tummy was making weird noises.  It was so sad to see her that sick; she's never been like that before.  Once she was calmed down, she did get back to sleep quickly and slept well for the rest of the night.  Brady and Jake returned eventually with milkshakes and burgers from McDonald's. :)  It is so much fun hanging out with B&K, just like old times.  We always laugh a lot.  I miss them so much and wish they lived closer.  They're just like family.  They didn't leave till almost 1, I think, and then Jake and I stayed up for a while talking about the carpet and how we couldn't believe it but it made so much sense that it would happen this way, but that we were still excited about the house and were going to have a positive attitude and just enjoy it.  It stinks that we'll have such a big expense right off the bat, but hopefully this will take care of most of the smell and make this an overall much better experience than it otherwise would be. 

So we didn't get to bed till 1:30 or later and then woke up at 7.  Lila slept till 8.  Jake and I got up and researched carpet stuff and then by 9 we were on the road.  We stopped at a small carpet store that was super expensive, and then headed to Home Depot, which looked a little more promising.  Stopped at the mall to return a skirt.  Ooh, something happy and exciting: Desiree had her baby last night!!!  They had to induce her (and it took a whole day and a half to get her going) because of high blood pressure so she had him (Jarom David Neil) a week early.  He is so beautiful, looks perfectly sweet and precious.  He has Desiree's nose.  I am so, so, so excited and happy for them.  Lila fell asleep as we drove to LFI to pick up Cooper to watch him during the funeral service.  We took the kids to Lowe's to look at carpet and they had fun walking around the store, although Lila cried and hated it when Cooper pushed her stroller around.  She was happy to push him in the stroller though :)  It actually worked out really well to have Cooper because the two of them kept each other company. 

We went to the house and Jake started ripping out carpet in the basement and I started cleaning the dreaded kitchen.  I scrubbed the stove for a while, but there's still a lot to do.  Lots of cracks and crevices.  The oven needs to be cleaned too (there's cat hair in it... I do not understand how people live like that!!).  Then for a "break" I pulled out the stove and fridge to vacuum and there was a TON of cat hair behind both.  Yuck.  I tried laying Lila down in the guest room for a nap, but she just cried and cried so I just let her out to play with Cooper some more.  Mike stopped by for a while before he had to pick Cassandra up for a date.  She's here for a whole week.  Jake got all the carpet pulled up in the basement.

We left to meet B&K at Culver's and had a little food there.  From there we headed to Menard's.  Lila thankfully fell asleep on the way there and so Jake ran in without me.  Then we drove over to the other Lowe's to look at carpet and picked out two that we like (one for the main floor and one for the basement).  We're going to wait till Monday to place an order though because we have Empire coming in to give an estimate.  I think we'll probably go with Lowe's though.  It'll be around $3400 for the carpet.  Plus an extra ~$200 to seal all the sub-floors.

We got home and played with Lila a bit.  I showered and then washed up Lila.  Putting her to bed was awful though.  Jake left after scriptures and prayer.  Lila cried for a long time in bed, so we went to the living room for a while and she happily played with toys.  She eventually pooped a nasty one and calmed down after that so I tried putting her to bed again.  She screamed and cried and was inconsolable, which NEVER happens... I wonder what's wrong.  I know her teeth are hurting her, but her breath smells really bad too so I wonder if it's a sore throat or possibly strep?  Or maybe an ear infection?  She doesn't really have a runny nose though.  So finally I took her to her room and rocked her and she very quickly fell right to sleep without fussing at all.  She was so exhausted.  Poor thing.  I think she was asleep before 8:30. 

So now I've been writing in my journal and half-heartedly cleaning the apartment.  I'm just so excited to be done with this place.  Oh, we decided that we're going to move April 30th instead of the 23rd, to give us more time with the carpet and cleaning.  We have to be out of our apartment on the 30th, so we're down to the wire.  Just touched base with Jake.  Jim and Angela miraculously volunteered to come help Jake tear out carpet--they were driving through town or something.  Jake had prayed for someone to help him tonight :)  They have all of the carpet and padding out of the basement now and Angela was cleaning my fridge!!!  I love Angela!!! :)  The fridge was pretty gross.  Jake said he'll stay for as long as Jim and Angela do, so I suspect he'll be late.  I'm going to make sure I have things in order for church tomorrow and head to bed.  Feeling a little stressed out with everything going on with the house, but I'm trying to also just relax and enjoy the process and be excited about everything.  It'll just be great when the carpet is in and we're moved in. :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Texts from my overdue friend Jess

Jess:  FYI there is a package headed your way. (late b-day presdent for lila.) should have arrived on Monday, but it's late or missing (like everything else in my life!) :) keep an eye out!

Me: haha aww jess that's really sweet of you. we'll keep an eye out for it. is haley still there with you?

Jess: Yes but she leaves this afternoon.  I feel terrible that she came all this way and nothing happened. :( it was a gamble and we lost!

Me: oh that's so sad! i never would've thought that she would miss the baby! it must've been so nice to have company though! how are you doing?? are you going crazy or are you feeling calm?

Jess: I alternate between the two. Yesterday I felt better after the ultrasound-she's looking perfectly healthy and full-term. She hast lots of fluid and is practicing breathing- we got to see her chest rising and falling. she's just hanging out and doing fine. I don't know why we are all in such a rush to get our babies out of that perfect climate. But then sometimes I do get anxious thinking about stillbirth or fetal demise and I want her to be born asap.

Me: Yeah, the thing about birth is that once they're here there is no going back :) i'm sure she's perfectly safe and happy where she is. She must be giving you an extra "vacation" before all the work begins! are you really uncomfortable and sore?

Jess: No. My legs are getting pretty swollen and sleeping is a nightmare and I do have to pee ALL the time. But my heartburn is super mild and my energy level is great and I can walk around just fine. I really have been lucky. Did you go into labor on your own? Did they have to break your water? I keep going into labor (almost nightly for up to 4 or 5 hours) with consistent strong contractions every 5 minutes but then it just dies down and stops. It's the weirdest thing.

Me: Well I'm glad you're mostly comfortable. So weird that your body won't stay in labor! I went to the hospital with contractions at 4cm , when I was at 6cm they broke my water because I wasn't progressing well anymore and then 6 hrs later I started pushing.

Jess: I'm thinking my water needs to break for me to continue with labor but the birthing center won't do that until I'm 41 weeks and 6 days :(

Me: Yeah it sounds like it would help to do that. It really got things going for me, contractions after that were super powerful.  Wow, that's a long time to wait still isn't it?

Jess: It would be Monday. Ugh! At least my mom will be here by then. How many weeks were you?

Me: Oh I didn't know your mom is coming.  That is so awesome.  I feel bad saying it, but I was 3 days early. But I think you look way better than I did.  All of my maternity clothes wouldn't fit anymore and I had gained 50+ pounds.

Jess: Well sounds like none of us get the ideal pregnancy.  Boo.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sonja, Shopping, My Growing Girl

Something that I forgot to mention yesterday... throughout the weekend, after our trip to the temple, at moments when I might have complained or at least have been a little frustrated... like when Dan wanted to come over on Saturday and we had so much going on... or when we found out that we needed to be in Battle Creek at 7 instead of 9 like we'd thought... I just felt completely at peace, and the Spirit reminded me that that's exactly what I had covenanted to do at the temple the day before... to use my blessings to serve other people.

Lila woke up sometime before 5 this morning, happy, until she had some bad gas and was whiney and tired.  So when she finally farted, she was fine and laid back down to go to sleep, but then my arm felt wet and I realized that she'd actually pooped.  At 5am!  Nice, Lila!  :)  So we changed her diaper and all went back to bed.  But she got up when Jake did.  We spent the morning packing and playing.  She is walking all over the place now, like a pro.  She can stand up on her own.  It's so funny to see her walking everywhere instead of crawling.  It happened so fast!  She took a nap in the morning.  When she got up, we had lunch together.  I made myself a sandwich and Lila got some wild rice and chips.  She loves the rice and tries so hard to get it into her mouth.  So that's pretty cool.

And then it took a while to get out the door to leave.  I had Lila all ready, but then couldn't find my keys... long story short, Jake had left the 4-Runner and my keys were in Lila's carseat. :)  She loves playing with my keys.  We went to Sonja's.  It was SO nice outside.  60 degrees and sunny, it felt so warm.  Sonja's kids were either at school or napping, so she came out and we sat in the grass in the front yard and visited.  Lila had a blast walking around.  Sonja thinks Lila is just a sweet, sweet girl, and I agree.  She's just sweet.  Not spunky, just sweet.  And good-natured, easy-going too.  Her friend Rhonda dropped by so while they were visited, Lila and I walked down the street... she was practically dragging me, she was having so much fun.  She picked up some leaves from the ground and carried them around.  She is going to love living at our house.  We'll go for walks every day and play in the yard.  So excited.  Sonja's doing great.

Lila was pretty cranky when we left, but I decided that since I was that far south, I would hit up a few stores on Westnedge.  I went to Second Childhood.  For the first 5-10 minutes, Lila walked around the store gleefully happy, laughing to herself, but that quickly turned into a meltdown.  She's been having so many of those lately... I really think it's the teeth.  I got a good look at the molars today and ouch, it looks painful.  She's getting a top one too.  Anyway, so that was no fun.  Oh, she also pooped while we were there.  But, I was able to buy her some things for spring/summer.  A light jacket (pink, Old Navy, so cute), three pairs of shorts, and two shirts.  And a pair of sandals but they're too big yet.

She fell asleep on the way home and slept for nearly an hour.  I didn't have the energy to deal with a fussing, crying baby while preparing dinner so I just put in a frozen pizza.  Jake was really tired when he got home from work.  But Lila sure perked up when he came home, she was so sweet and smiley.  He laid down for a little after dinner.  When he left, I Skyped with my parents and they loved seeing her walking around.  They also watched her get a bath, which was really cute.  She was pretty happy in there.  Desiree texted to say that she's being induced at 1pm tomorrow!!  I talked with her for a bit at Stake Conference on Sunday and she looked so miserable.  Very, very swollen and her belly is so big.  She's not due till the 20th, I think.  She doesn't have pre-eclampsia yet, but her blood pressure and swelling are making the doctors nervous, so they want to get the baby here safely.  So exciting!!  Jessica still hasn't had her baby!!  Ahh, all these babies, so exciting.

It took her a while to wind down for bed, but she was asleep by 8:15 and hasn't gotten up since, which is pretty awesome.  More awesome news: the new presidency will meet on Thursdays from 6-8 instead of Tuesdays from 7-11!  Woohoo!  This breaks up the week much better and it's so much shorter and earlier.  I'm so happy about this.

Talked to Mike for a while.  Sometimes it seems like, and maybe he actually is, a little insensitive about Cassandra's weaknesses and shortcomings.  She grew up in a home where her mother wasn't very warm or nurturing, and her communication and relationship-style kind of reflects that.  I encouraged him to be sensitive to that, and to nurture her and build her up.  I told him that Jake has done that for me... and I tell ya... just thinking about the way he treated me and my family when we were dating warms my heart and almost makes me tear up.  He was so gently and loving with me (so much more than he is now, lol).  He had so much faith and confidence in me.  I love that guy.

Monday, April 11, 2011

A Very Long Update: Our Long, Spiritually Uplifting Weekend

What a busy, busy weekend we had!

On Thursday I took Lila to the "Baby Steps" reading time at the library.  Ann told me about it.  I was so bored that I needed to get out... I didn't really leave the apartment on Tuesday or Wednesday.  So we were there for ~45 minutes.  Ann couldn't go because Lucas was sick.  But, Renate Savage, one of the women I visit teach and the nursery leader, was there with her 18-month-old granddaughter Charly.  We sang nursery rhymes and the librarian read a little story.  Lila was probably the youngest child there.  She had a blast though.  She was walking all over the room, looking at the other kids, dancing, jibber-jabbering.  She loved the stuffed animal puppets the librarian was using too.  So it seems like she's not a very shy child.  I'll continue to take her.

Lately we've been saying that we need to go to the temple.  We've been trying to find another couple or person to come with us so that they could watch Lila and we could do a session together, but we just couldn't, so we decided to go anyway.  Jake bought a $20 app for his iPhone on Wednesday that allows him to use it as a WiFi hotspot so he can work from anywhere, even in the car.  So he was able to work from the car on Friday while I drove to the Chicago temple.  We left in the morning a little later than we planned.  We made it there without stopping.  Lila slept for a little while.  We got there around 10:10 so we had a half-hour to "waste" before we had to be at the temple.  We went to the nearby Dunkin Donuts.

I went through a session first.  I had been praying simply for the Spirit to speak to my heart about what I need to be doing in my life.  It was only the second time I went through since Lila was born.  And I was so tired through the whole session.  I actually had a pretty difficult time staying awake and paying a lot of attention :)  Which is funny, because I always tease Jake about falling asleep in the temple (he seriously does every time).   The revelation and impressions that I did receive though were this -- I thought a lot about the blessings in my life, and I have so many... my family, my husband and daughter, the gospel, our new house, our health, our friends, etc.  We have a very blessed life and I feel it every day.  Sometimes I feel a little guilty that we are so happy and blessed... but as I was in the temple, and on the drive home afterwards, I felt the Spirit direct me to just use my blessings to serve other people, that it is part of Heavenly Father's plan for us to use our blessings to help others.  And that is exactly what we covenant to do in the temple.

After I finished my session, Jake and I quickly traded off.  I bought some garments at the distribution center.  And then Lila and I headed off for a nearby shopping center.  She fell asleep on the way there, thankfully, so I just sat in a parking lot for an hour and talked to Mike on the phone.  He was getting ready to leave for Canada to visit Cassandra.  He was at Target and under my direction bought her a dark chocolate Easter bunny.  He doesn't like dark chocolate, but it's her very favorite... he said that he didn't want to get her that flavor because he doesn't like it and they wouldn't be able to share.  I explained that girls generally do not like to share their chocolate and that she would love it.  He also got her coconut M&Ms, which she once mentioned that she really liked.  Way to go, Mike!

So it was pretty awesome that Lila slept almost the whole time Jake was in the temple.  We spent a half-hour in the waiting room.  The temple president came in and said hello, which was nice.  After that we headed to Ikea to look at couches and a few other miscellaneous items.  We had dinner there too.  Lila liked the mashed potatoes and the gravy from the Swedish meatballs.  Oh, how I love Ikea.  I wish we lived closer to one.  I was so, so exhausted in there though.  It had been a very dreary, rainy, cloudy day... and those kinds of days seem to always give me a headache and zap me of most of my energy.  We bought 4 pretty blue bowls for cereal (to replace the cheap, nasty pink plastic bowls that Jake uses and loves) and a wok (so excited to have a gas stove at our house!).

The ride home was not so awesome.  We stopped at an oasis an hour or so after leaving.  We let Lila walk around and burn some energy.  She was so cute.  She was walking all over the place.  We've discovered that she loves couches and arm chairs, standing against the back-rest.  For some reason she thinks it's so fun, and kind of bounces on the couch like it's a trampoline.  We sat on some chairs that she could play on like that.  We spent a good amount of time there so really hoped that she'd just fall asleep, it was probably around 8:00 or later by the time we left.  But then she started screaming and crying.  High-pitched, awful screaming.  We've never heard her scream/cry like that. lol.  So that was really unpleasant.  We stopped shortly at a rest-stop to see if she was hungry.  As soon as we took her out of her carseat she was giggling and laughing and playing.  So we strapped her back in and she screamed for another half-hour before finally passing out.  We made it home at around 11.

The next morning, Jake and I had to be at the stake center at 7am for interviews for the new stake presidency.  So we had to wake our poor, exhausted baby up.  Jake unzipped her pj's and took her legs out of them to start changing her diaper and she stayed asleep through it all.  Poor girl.  I felt bad.  But we got her up and dropped her off at Rand Johnson's, where he watched her.  We sat around and visited for an hour or more before our interview.  The former stake presidency and their wives were all so hapyp, lol.  They've been serving together for 8 years, and both of the counselors (Petersen and Saye) were counselors in the last stake presidency too.  So they've been serving for a long time!  Josh Little was there but didn't bring Tamara because he didn't realize he was supposed to... so when it was time for their interview he brought her up on Skype webcam; the visiting leadership thought that was really funny and had never heard of that happening before.  Our interview was pretty short.  The General Authority was Elder Christoffel Golden of the first quorum of the seventy.  Elder Smith, an Area Authority Seventy from Pennsylvania accompanied him.

In the interview, they asked how we met.  Elder Golden was really pleased to hear that both Jake and I are from Michigan and still live here; that we're building up Zion where we're from, instead of being "faint of heart" and going to Utah (that last part was a joke, I think).  He asked me how Jake is as a husband, and I enthusiastically told him that Jake is awesome.  He said that the Stake Clerk and Secretary are the engine room of the stake presidency and commended Jake for his service... says that he has a lot of good work ahead of him so to prepare for it.  And that was it.  I picked up Lila (who had a blast climbing the stairs at the Johnson's) and she took an hour nap, her only nap of the day.

In Jake's private interview with them, Elder Golden asked him if he reads his scriptures and prays daily (morning and night), and he does.  He asked about temple attendance.  Jake told him that the day before was only our second trip since Lila was born.  Elder Golden suggested that maybe we leave Lila with someone else so that we can go, and Jake explained that it's been a little weird/difficult because Lila is still nursing, but that we really are going to try to be better.  Elder Golden, as soon as Jake mentioned the nursing thing, said, "Oh, that's really important for Rudi to be doing.  Just do your best, she needs to be there for Lila, etc."  I thought that was really sweet.  But we can do better.

After Jake got home, we did some packing and shopping.  We also picked up boxes from Melissa Linkfield.  Lila got to meet her two Great Danes and she loved that.  We put her on one of them to "ride" it, but she didn't like that part.

Dan came down from Midland to visit and was at our place when we returned from grocery shopping.  He is in the midst of a break-up with Kelsey, the (16-year-old) girl he met in rehab.  He cried for a while when he first got here, but seemed to perk up after a few hours.  Wow.  What a kid, I tell ya.  He says that he wants a committed relationship, with a girl who is mature, educated, and has standards... and then he goes out and dates Kelsey, a 16-year-old high school drop-out that he met in rehab.  It would be another story if Kelsey was working hard to get her life back together, but she's not.  She's telling Dan that she needs space to figure things out and work on herself, but Dan doesn't want to accept that and is furious that she wants space; he thinks that she should be able to work on herself within their relationship.  So I explained (again... we had this talk back before he moved to Midland... back when he admitted that Kelsey had "maybe one" of the qualities he wanted in a future wife) that she's just a young girl, and it's not healthy for young girls (especially ones with a background like Kelsey) to always be connected to a guy, that they need time to themselves to grow and learn how to love themselves independent of a boyfriend.  It's just really sad to see Dan struggling like this.  He wants basically what his older brothers want/have... stability, a committed relationship and companion, financial security, etc.  But, he's not willing to do what it takes to get those things.  And his attitude about everything is so poor... he swore a lot, when he was angry at Kelsey.  "I hope she feels s***ty about everything, and I hope she feels that way for a long time, she's so retarded, blah blah blah."  And then I think about how Mike handled everything with Kalina, and how he never said things like that... he always hoped that Kalina would eventually find happiness and peace.  But, the sad thing is, the heartache and pain that Dan is feeling right now is very real.  And that's something that I have really learned the past year, watching Mike's, Kalina's, and Dan's struggles... living, or not living, the principles of the gospel really, really does make all the difference in life.  The prophets and our parents don't teach us these things blindly--the gospel really does bring peace and happiness and fulfillment.  Disobeying and living a sinful life really does bring despair, heartache, loneliness, and destruction.  Dan asked me on Sunday if I thought it was normal that even though he knows what he wants/needs to do (which is break up with Kelsey) that he was still feeling really crappy.  So I talked to him a while about that... how it's normal for him to feel a sense of loss and loneliness because he invested a lot of himself.  He doesn't sound like a very good boyfriend to me... he actually sounds pretty angry and controlling.  Sigh.  I just don't know what we can all do to help him.  He did come to Stake Conference with us on Sunday morning.  But he still doesn't want to go to church in Midland.  We encouraged him to live the standards of the gospel, even if he doesn't go to church, because he will be blessed for it.  And we spent a lot of time building him up, encouraging him, and trying to remind him that there are good things ahead.  Mom and Dad Betzold have been praying that something will happen in Dan's life to bring about a change of heart... maybe this is it.  We all need to keep praying for him.  It's just so sad to see him wandering around so lost and essentially alone, when he has been taught and has access to everything he needs to bring true and lasting happiness.

After we visited and had dinner with him, and after he helped us do some packing, he went to Battle Creek to visit the Jimmy John's store/people he used to work with.  Jake and I were tired and were making plans and preparing for conference the next day.  Pat Anderson (the newly-released stake president) called.  He told Jake who the new presidency was: Mark Witt (from St. Joe) president, Mark Montross (the branch president in Marshall) 1st counselor, and David Decker (from Portage) 2nd counselor.  As part of the interview process, each brother gives the GA's three names of men they think could serve as the new stake president.  Jake's list was 1) Mark Witt, 2) John Lakenan, and 3) David Decker.  So he was pretty "proud" for getting 2 out of 3.  Pat also told us that the orientation for the new stake presidency, which had been scheduled for 3pm on Saturday, had been rescheduled for 7am on Sunday because they ran out of time on Saturday.  Originally, only the stake president, his counselors, and their wives were invited to the orientation, but Elder Golden requested that the stake clerk and exec. secretary and their wives also come.  Soo, then we had to scramble to find someone to watch Lila, and I felt bad that we'd have to get her up early again.  We hunted down Mike and called him on Cassandra's Canadian cell phone using Google talk and asked if he would watch her.  He couldn't say no, of course. :)  We managed to get everything prepared for Sunday and were in bed before 10:00, I think.  Lila had gone to bed at 7pm that night.

Jake and I woke up at 5:30, got ready.  Lila woke up just as we were about to wake her up.  On our way to Battle Creek, we drove past Mark Witt and his wife.  So, about the new presidency: I just think they're wonderful men.  Jake couldn't see anyone but Mark Witt serving as president, and I think he'll do a fantastic job.  He was one of the first people we met at church in Kalamazoo, I think he was a high councilman at the time.  He grew up in Michigan, in Midland, and was best friends with John Packham... who was one of Jake's counselors in Houghton when Jake was the YM president.  Very nice man.  He has a daughter my age that has a little baby girl too.  I don't know Mark Montross.  Jake's a little prejudiced against him because he's the head of the Bishop Welfare Committee and Jake missed a few meetings... so basically, Jake just feels guilty and hopes that Pres. Montross doesn't hold it against him. :) I highly doubt that he does.  I had a very, very strong feeling that David Decker was going to be in the presidency too.  I really like him and his family.  He's raised five wonderfully smart, beautiful, talented, confident daughters.

The orientation was wonderful.  I'm so glad that wives were invited too.  A lot of times, Jake goes to all these trainings and meetings and then tells me about them afterwards... but I'm sure he leaves out tons of stuff that he learned, because this was just so fulfilling.  Elders Golden and Smith are both awesome.  They shared "strategies" and insights into helping wards and stakes grow and be more successful.  I'll type up the notes we took and post them.  Very cool.  Anyway, that lasted 2+ hours.  I left a little early so that I could get Lila ready at Mike's.  When I got there, Mike was in the shower and Dan was playing with her, except she was super cranky and whiny and was crying.  I don't blame her--she had to get up super early again!

It was 85 degrees and sunny with a wonderful warm breeze yesterday.  It was divine.  So Lila didn't wear any tights or a long-sleeved onesie underneath her dress and it was so cute.  It gave me a great taste of what summer will be like with my sweet, chubby baby (well, toddler).  We got there just as conference was starting.  I feel like I didn't get to hear most of the talks, because we were out a lot with Lila.  I was, anyway.  Jake had to count everyone there.  I strapped Lila into the Ergo and walked around the lobby with her.  Visited a little bit with some women from my ward and also Desiree, who is very pregnant and swollen and still has a little more than a week to go till she's due.  Ahh! It's so exciting that so many of my friends are having babies!  (As a note, Jessica's due date was April 5th and she still hasn't had her baby yet!  Poor thing!  I'm constantly checking Facebook to see if she's in labor, but so far nope.  Haley even flew out on the 7th to be with her, and I think she has to leave in a few days.)  Lila did fall asleep for almost an hour, I think.  I was so glad.  The former and new stake presidency members bore their testimonies.

Tamara and I were in charge of the lunch after the meetings.  We set up in a classroom.  It was a simple lunch... she made pulled pork and I brought things for deli sandwiches and we had chips, fruit, cookies, etc.  It was really warm in that classroom.  It took almost 2 hours for the brethren and their families to make it to the classroom.  First, they shook hands and talked with the members of the stake who went up to the stage.  Then they needed to be set apart.  The General Authorities had to catch a flight, so they took their meals.  President Witt and his wife couldn't stay for the meal because they had organized a singles potluck.  Man, by the time we ate, those of us who had waited in the classroom were so exhausted.  I spent the two hours waiting chasing after Lila.  She has really started walking this past week.  She was walking up and down the hallways, out of the classroom when I wasn't looking.  One time as she was about to walk out of the classroom, she stopped, turned around, and waved "bye" at me before continuing on her way.  She fell and hit her head on the ground and also bit her lip and there was a little blood.  Poor girl!  It's weird that I'm all so suddenly the mother of a walking child!  She had a really difficult time, she was really tired.  She learned how to go limp when I tried to pick her up, she did that several times... I'm really in for some trouble now!

We cleaned up quickly after lunch and headed home.  Lila fell asleep very quickly and slept for an hour.  After we'd driven for some time down the freeway, Jake realized that he'd forgotten his notebook (with all the notes he took at training and during the settings apart of the stake presidency) in the classroom, so he drove back hoping that he could get into the school, but he couldn't.  And on the way back to the school, he realized that something was wrong with one of the brakes on my car... a caliper needed to be replaced.  He wasn't sure if it was safe to drive home, but did some inspecting and decided it would be ok.  Oh, and the drivers seat of my car is broken, it won't move forward anymore so that I can barely reach the pedals, so Jake will have to replace that too.  Of course this would happen the week that we close on our house :)

Jake and I were really tired when we got home.  But we had things to do.  After dinner we went to the nursing home to visit John.  It was such a beautiful day out; made us excited to have our house.  We did bath time with Lila when we got home and put her to bed at around 7 or 8 I think.  We visited with Mike a little bit.  He had spent the weekend with Cassandra and they had a nice time, of course.  Things are going well for them... she still seems to like him a lot :)  Jake and I also got to visit a little bit and he did some clerk work too.  We were in bed by 11.

And that brings us to today.  Lila woke up when Jake got up for work, so she and I joined him for a quick breakfast.  She was exhausted (and very cranky) by 9:00 so she went down for a nap at maybe 9:30.   At 10:30 I heard her whimpering on the baby monitor and so I went in and she started crying... it sounded like she was in pain, it wasn't a normal cry.  So I nursed her for a little bit and I thought she was just going to get up from her nap, but instead, she laid her head on my chest, so exhausted, and let me rub her back until she fell asleep.  Oh my.  That is why I became a mommy.  That is seriously what I've been looking forward to doing for years... having my daughter fall asleep with her head on my chest.  I remember taking naps with my mom that way... listening to her heart beat and trying to match my breathing to hers.  I just loved it and soaked it in.  And then I fell asleep with her :)  I slept for an hour or more... and she woke up briefly when I was getting out of bed, but then slept for another hour... so she slept for like 3 hours this morning, which she never does!

The rest of the day is kind of a blur.  When she woke up she was in a great mood, and I sang her nursery rhymes and tickled and kissed her all over, and she loved that.  What a sweet, sweet, baby... I just love her.  I did some packing.  Emily came over with Taco Bell and we visited.  Justin is coming home in a week or so.  I called carpet/air duct cleaners for estimates.  We will close on Friday.  We'll do a final walk-through at 11 and then sign papers at 3!  Woohoo!  We're almost there!  Lila was very cranky and clingy and exhausted today.  It made it very difficult to get anything done.  Especially dinner.  She just hates it when I make dinner!  So by the time Jake got home, I was pretty tuckered out.  We ate a quick dinner... Lila enjoyed it I think.  Wild rice and chicken.  She really likes eating rice.  Or at least she likes trying to eat rice, most of it ends up on the floor, but it makes me happy to see her happily engaged with food.  Mike came over to help Jake replace the caliper and that's what they are doing right now.  They took Lila with them at first so that I took take a shower, which was very nice, at the end of a long day.  And I love my hot showers.  I went and got Lila; she was happily playing on the passenger seat of my car while the boys were working on it.  She had a hoodie on and was so cute.  She wanted to play in the dirt/woodchips outside of our apartment's door and so I let her do that for a while.  It was adorable, and wow, she is so confident in her walking now!  She was going up little steps and stomping and playing in the dirt like a real kid!  She is going to love our house and going to love going to the park this summer.  I love it.  But she did not want to go inside to bed, so she had a complete meltdown.  She is definitely changing and growing.

Ok, now it's 10:00.  Mike just left.  We had a nice FHE lesson based on Lynn G. Robbin's talk from conference, "What Manner of Men and Women Ought Ye to Be?"  I thought of this experience and emailed it to Melissa.  It's her 30th birthday today.  When I met her, she had just turned 24, which is what I'm about to turn in a few weeks.  I love Melissa and miss her a lot.  I called her today to wish her a happy birthday and it was nice to chat, we don't usually talk on the phone, but I need to call her more often.  I'm so excited to see her in July.

We had Mike over for FHE tonight and I thought of this experience while we were having our lesson (we studied the talk "What Manner of Men and Women Ought Ye to Be?" by Lynn Robbins from General Conference).  One night, a few years ago, while we were visiting you in Findlay, it was late and you were trying to get your girls off to bed.  It had been a long day and we were all pretty tired.  You and Paige were in the kitchen and you were trying to finish cleaning when Paige spilled a cup of juice on the floor.  I expected you to lose your patience with Paige and scold her because that's what my mom would have done, and at the time that's probably how I would have reacted too.  But you just took a deep breath and quietly cleaned up the juice and sent Paige off to bed.  I don't know why, but that touched me a lot, because it was just a small thing but it showed a lot about who you were as a mother.  And that's the kind of mother/person I wanted to be.  A few months ago, my sister was over and I was trying to get Lila to bed and we were cleaning up the kitchen a little bit.  Emily spilled a whole pitcher of water on the floor and I didn't even flinch, just handed her a towel and helped her clean it up.  Funny enough, he said, "Wow, I thought you were going to yell at me, because that's what mom would have done!"  And I said, "I know!  I surprised myself!"  And then I thought about you and that moment with Paige, and it was a full-circle moment for me.  Thank you so much for being a wonderful example and an older sister to me.  I have learned so much about being a good woman, wife, and mother from you.  Happy birthday, Melissa!  Hope it was a good one. 
